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In loving memory of Zamora Moon

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In loving memory of Zamora Moon. 

It has been a beautiful fight.

Still is.



Zamora was a gentle and inspiring 9 year old who courageously fought against a rare form of incurable brain cancer known as DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) for almost 2 years. 

I followed her journey, her fight, and held such a high hope in her and in God that she would survive; that she would receive the years, and the future, and the dreams that she deserved. 

Unfortunately, she didn't get this, and whilst I wish with my whole heart that she could have stayed, I am thankful that God took her home to be with HIM where she is no longer suffering, and no longer afraid. 

She passed away yesterday, at peace with God. 

And so I dedicate this book to her; one of hope, faith, peace, courage, and most importantly, of love.  For the lives you touched, the souls you inspired, and the people who you completed, this, Zamora, is for you. 

-Revelation 21:4- 

Below, in the comments, and on my profile, is a link which leads directly to Zamora's GoFundMe page. If you would you like to donate to support her family through this impossible time, then it would help them more than we could imagine. Love always. 

> https://www.gofundme.com/zamora-moon-fight-brain-cancer-dipg <


And if not, He is still good.

{Daniel 3:18}. 

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