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WE RESTED BY the running tides of the creek as night fell, Charleston lying down beside where I sat, staring up in harmony. I could watch him for hours. And I had

For the time we spent together, nothing else even existed. Not The Dormir, not the Rule, not the sickness; nothing. 

I used to think it had something to do with this place, with being alone and out of sight, unattainable by the limitations my world tried to force on me. But it finally came together, and it had nothing to do with where I was, and all to do with him - liberating me from all the darkness. 

I saw everything when I looked at Charleston; hope, purpose, shelter, and who I was. I had no idea of what was running through his head at the time, but I knew, through the passing of the day, that we were the same. 

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. 

He opened his eyes, looked over, locating me in the dark. 

"You." He replied. "Thinking about you." 

"I was thinking about you, too." I told him. 

Charleston stretched out a little, then rolled over onto his stomach, laying right next to me, our bodies touching. 

"Pip," his breath hit my skin. After some time, "you don't need to remember." 

Emotion pulled at the corners of my lips; I couldn't tell what I was feeling - relief?- uneasiness? Was he giving up on me ever remembering, or giving me confirmation that forgetting him wasn't my fault? 

"You're still the same person that I fell-" he paused mid-sentence, re-evaluating his words. Shaking his head, he corrected himself. "No. You're not the same person. You're braver than before. Stronger. Softer. I wouldn't change you." 

"I couldn't tell you a thing about being strong." I half-laughed, dropping my head with a pitiful smile. 

"Hey," his hand reached my chin, tilting my face to look at him. "You don't even realize it, do you?" 

"Realize what?" 

A moment passes. The light is fading, but it spares just enough rays for me to catch the glimpse in his eye. He leans up and I feel him before he is even there. 

His gaze draws down to my lips, scurrying across every detail of my face, but each time, returning. I lean in too, but it is without my control. 

Our lips meet, or perhaps return or remember. Either way,  they join together. And we're one.

Apart, he lingers close, then pulls away after what would never be long enough. 

"That you're the strongest person I know." 


Such a short update, but I've been so busy!

My best friend went back to Australia (she was living in my room for 2 + 1/2 months), I've had two performances for college - and just been given another one, and I've had so much revision and pressure for my exams which start in two weeks!!

I'm actually so stressed that I might just drop out and work at McDonalds for the rest of my life (I'm not actually serious). Also, I went through a rough patch after my best friend left because I know it's likely to be over a year till I see her again and that terrifies me, my other friend got pretty sad too when she left (they had a mini-fling), one of my best friends (he's also the guy that I lik-LOVE) is going to uni later this year and I'm hardly gonna see him (okay, I know that's not relevant now, but I can't help but think about it a lot), it's almost been a year since we said goodbye to my Toby, and my parents have decided they don't think they want to bring my two cats back from Australia (they promise they would). Anyone who has pets know that they are literally you're family and so much more than animals. So yeah, stressed and depressed with stress still coming!

I hope you like this and it wasn't too cheesy? I don't have much experience in the romance department so idk honestly.

REALLY GOOD NEWS!!! YOU KNOW HOW I HAVE A CHAPTER ON HERE ABOUT MY FRIEND AND HER CANCER DIAGNOSIS (I Lift up my Eyes), AND I WAS ASKING YOU ALL TO PRAY FOR HER?? WELL, SHE'S BEEN HAVING CHECKUPS/SCANS AND EVERYTHING, AND THE DOCTORS HAVE LITERALLY CALLED IT A MIRACLE (because they said that her cancer couldn't be treated), BUT HER TUMORS HAVE STARTED SHRINKING!!! I know that this doesn't mean that she is cured, but by the power of our Almighty God, she is getting better! Please keep her in your prayers!!! There is so much immense power in prayer, and my friend is living proof that God is a miracle maker!

PS: check out my page to see my YT channel - Counterfeit trailers + edits are posted!

With God, all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26

CounterfeitOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora