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+ There are two places I exist: here, and with you. +


BY THE TIME we finally departed The Grey Range, the sun was already beginning to set. I hadn't realized how much of the day had passed until I was staring upwards, standing under the auburn, purple streaks of the sky.

The more I thought about it, the clearer I realized that it was a lot more than just today that was seeming to come and go so quickly. It felt as though it had been days - weeks, even - since I had spent a normal day with my friends; since I was just another resident inside the camp, oblivious to the fact that there were people here dying.

The faster the plan progressed, the less time I potentially had with my friends. I was running forward and holding myself back at the same time, torn between wanting to escape The Dormir, and wanting to stay just to keep everything the same for a little while longer.

I pulled away from my thoughts, all of a sudden confused when I realized Charleston was walking off path. 

"Where are you going, Charles?"

"Just follow me." He answered, pushing apart a branch that obstructed his way. 

"It's getting dark. I should go back to my cabin." I told him. 

Charleston paused for a moment, then turned around to face me. He seemed somewhat crushed by my response, and there was a trace of guilt in his eyes which I couldn't comprehend its reasoning. 

I waited for him to say something in return, but he stayed, head down, as if waiting for me to leave. 

"Charleston..." My whisper was almost lost in the wind. 

He looked up at me, trying to convey a convincing smile. He couldn't. 

"Are you oka-"

"I tried to get it right."

"What are you talking about?" I hated the idea of him feeling this way. More than that, I hated that there were parts to ourselves that we both kept hidden. 

"I let you down." 

"Is that what you think?" I stepped forward, almost taking his hand, before remembering that we were in plain sight to anyone who might have been outside. 

"You haven't. You've built me up."

"You've been in the dark for months. I'm supposed to come in here, make you remember, follow the plan. I keep failing you... I've been trying to organize a talk with your dad for weeks; you weren't meant to find out about MiKinley this way."

"Hey... MiKinley, him being sick - that's not your fault." It was a hard word for me to swallow - my friend being sick; even harder to admit it, as if the declaration was some sort of acceptance of his fate. "And I did get to speak to my dad, because of you." 

"But your Plan... I wanted to tell you everything, but..." He struggled to finish. "I've been afraid. I didn't want you getting overwhelmed, and I was too selfish to tell you it all because I didn't want to find out the extent of you forgetting me." 

"Charleston," I didn't care anymore; I took his hand, unafraid of the consequences as long as he was with me. "Even if I don't remember everything, and even if I never do, I know who you are now." I told him. 

"And that matters because I love you." 


Guys, I've been very busy lately, so I'm sorry that I'm not the most active.

I have a performance tomorrow, the film for Counterfeit due Thursday (needs a lot of editing), another performance on Wednesday, an evaluation essay due who knows when, and a rehearsal with the national theatre next week! Oh, and it's my 18th birthday this weekend.


Next chapter you guys are gonna love! Hope you liked the last line of this!

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