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Till the sirens sound, I'm safe. 

+ Earth +


IT WAS MORNING when the sound arrived. I opened my eyes, the pounding inside my chest shocking me awake. As I looked over at Charleston, I realized that there were two things gravely wrong: one being we had fallen asleep out here - in the open, and the second being the sound of alarms blaring throughout The Dormir. I had never heard them before. 

I reached over, "Charleston," shaking him awake. He was instantly sitting up, his hand on my leg protectively. 

"What's going on?" I asked him, glancing around to see if anyone was in sight. "This has never happened before."

"I don't know," he answered me honestly, standing up before reaching down to help me to my feet. "But I think I need to get you back to your cabin." He informed me. 

"It doesn't have anything to do with us, does it?" 

"What do you mean?" He pushed. 

I struggled to say it carefully. I needed to ask, but there was an immense weight of panic on his face. "Like a breaching of the Rule? If they found out..." 

Charleston bit down on his lip, deep in thought as his eyes scanned through the trees. "They shouldn't know..." He was trying to console himself, mumbling under his breath. "And I don't know what happens if they do. This might have nothing to do with it." He answered. Or it could have had everything to do with it. 

He took hold of my hand and pulled me behind him, leading me up along our pathway to The Dormir's centre. Through the trees, we could see people running out into the open, everyone in the same state of panic as us. 

Charleston came to a stop just before we became visible, and he turned to me. 

"I need you to go find the others. Patrick, Ava," he told me, then an out breath when he said the next name, as if he predicted only downfall would come, "MiKinley. Make sure they're okay." 

He went to leave, but I pulled him back, afraid of the events that were to follow. It was like there was a part of me that knew that this would be the last moment - our last night - for things to ever be the same again. 

He looked at me and he knew instantly, a softness melting into his gaze. 

"You'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you." He promised. 

"Its not me that I'm worried about." 

Charleston sighed in empathy, adjusting his stance so that he was facing me, showing that I had his complete focus. "I know. I'll do everything I can to keep him safe for you. But Pip..." hesitant to finish his sentence, I cut him off. 

"I know, Charleston. I know he's sick. Just..just try." There was nothing I could say. All I could do was let him know that I needed more time with my best friend, and pray to God that he would find a way to get that for me. 

With a defeated smile, Charleston disappeared into the sea of people. When he let go of my hand, the fear crept its way in. The world was cold from that moment on. 



Short again, but I'm trying to get a couple updates in to progress the story for you!

One year ago today I took my boy on his final walk. I remember the night so vividly, and I feel like I've been waiting all evening to relive that day again, as if today shouldn't have come without him, and that I shouldn't have to remember what I did, because there was nothing eventful or impacting about it. Because he shouldn't have gone. I just want him here. Waiting to see him again is so tiring, but God knows it'll be worth it. 💜


How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.


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