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--twenty- (Important A/N at the end - about Alistair. Unless you read that bit first, you will come across a line from Alistair which is presented  differently than expected. Please don't comment in confusion or humor. Thank you). 

MY HEART WAS racing as I tried to make out the face of the boy in the pitch black

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MY HEART WAS racing as I tried to make out the face of the boy in the pitch black. 

Fear threatened to deteriorate any sense of trust available for the stranger in front of me, but for curiosity's sake, I had no choice but to fight it. On his orders, I followed him along the path leading to a back entrance to the Medic Centre. I was too nervous to ask the custodian any questions, but there were plenty swimming around in the oceans of my mind, waiting for whoever dared answer them. 

Once inside, I began to feel restless with unease. The building was silent, nothing other than a radiant, background hum of electricity mixed with our footsteps. There were only a few lights on - the ones lined in the hallways, and a room, door shut, at the end. It led me to believe that we weren't allowed to be here. 

Before I could scare myself any further, we had reached the end of the hall and nothing but a closed door stood between me and some answers. I took a deep breath and met with the boy who made me question the entire world. 

"Hey." His voice was so warm that I completely forgot about the coldness of the night. 

I repeated back, my voice delicate towards him, our eyes locked. "Hey."

After a few seconds passed, Charleston looked to Alistair expectantly, them seeming to have a muted conversation with their eyes. He took this as his cue to depart. 

"I-I'll leave, leave y-you g-g-guys to it." I bit my lip, reacting to the creak of the door closing behind me. Alistair had gone. 

"I haven't seen him around before." I was anxious to be left in silence, so I rambled out whatever came to my head. 

"Yeah," Charleston began, walking around a counter to stand closer to me. "His job mainly consists of work in the Medic Centre, so you wouldn't have seen him unless he authorized your tests." I nodded, looking wondrously around the room. 

"Speaking of which," his voice held purpose as he then began to drift around the room, collecting a folder from the side which he handed over to me. Before I could speak, he had already answered my question. "Here are your results. I'm sorry you had to wait." 

I didn't know how to respond to the last part of what he said to me, so I ignored it instead, acting as if I hadn't heard what he had said. I don't think I did a very convincing job. 

For some reason, I found myself hesitating to open up my envelope of results. I knew I wasn't sick - I wouldn't be in here if I was, and I could already predict the brooding, bold letters that would stand out on the page; but my heart stumbled - thought for just a moment about what would happen if they were wrong. What if they were wrong?

"Are you okay?" I looked up, equally as lost in his voice as I was in my own thoughts. When I didn't answer, he spoke again. 

"Is everything alright?" 

I looked back down at the envelope, shaking my head dismissively. "Yeah... Everything's fine." 

Did I convince him? 


Thank you for being here with me for twenty chapters.♡

A/N: So, if you didn't pick up on it, I have created the character of Alistair to be someone with a stutter. Throughout my writing, I want to incorporate various aspects of diversity - whether that be through casting, or other subjects explored, and I want to raise awareness to creating characters with physical disability, speech impairment, sickness, and many more. I kind of want to tell people out there that it doesn't define you as a person, and therefore, Alistair's stutter won't be references much by other characters (e.g them talking about it, noticing it). 

However, I do not have a speech impairment, and therefore my writing and deception of one may not be adequate or realistic. I will do my best to write my characters as real as I can, and if you have any advice for me on how to write it, then I will be glad to listen. 

If the way I am writing it comes across as offensive or upsetting, then please message me so I can fix things! I will continue writing it in the same format as it is not something that needs to be edited or cleaned up. Thank you for understanding.


Something's going to happen to Charleston.

Decide now. Do you trust him?

More importantly...

Should you?

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