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THE WALK BACK to the cabins was quiet

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THE WALK BACK to the cabins was quiet.

Patrick was with me; I had a lot of things on my mind, a lot of things I wanted to say to him, but I didn't.

MiKinley was his best friend. And he knew how he felt about him, yet he held a secret that he worked so closely with Charleston. I didn't understand how he could be both: Kin's friend and Charleston's.

But MiKinley was my best friend, and I knew that, and it still didn't stop me from choosing Charleston, too.

Could I get both of them? My best friend, and Charleston? I wanted to, but for whatever reason, I didn't think that things would end up that way. 

After what felt like years of silence, we finally reached the door to the cabin. I knew Thea would be waiting inside for me, worried about what had happened. But that didn't matter to me.

Nothing else could possibly matter to me at the moment other than the fact that it was only last night it was Charleston walking me to my cabin, and now, he was gone.

In a moment of not thinking, I turned to Patrick, trying to distract my mind from him. "Will it work?"

His face held an empathy to it "The plan?"

I nodded.

"Of course it will." His voice was soft as he smiled at me. Warm, but not near enough as warm as Charleston's. "You came up with it."

"Then why can't you tell me about it?"

"Because you're not ready to know about it yet." I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but despite his words, he gave me an assurance that everything would somehow be okay.

"Patrick... How can I be?" 

He looked down at his feet, scuffing the dirt he stood on. "I don't know. And Pip, I'm sorry... Really, I am." 

"You don't have anything to apologize for."

He sighed as if he did. "For Charleston." 

A hollow feeling appeared in my chest. 

"I know you weren't expecting that. I understand if it's difficult for you."

"Patrick, most of the time I don't have a clue what is going on, but I know you weren't expecting it either." 

It was his time to speak, to say something, but he didn't. He was hiding something from me. 

"Patrick..." I shook my head. Then it came to me. "Wait, you knew that something was going to happen?" I didn't let him answer before I spoke again. My stomach twisted in knots when I understood. 

"Charleston knew that he would leave? Why? Why didn't he stay?" 

"Pip, he couldn't." 

I bent over, my hands were on my knees: I felt sick. 

"Hey, hey-" 

"Stop!" I was coming across rude. I didn't mean to be; the desperation was taking control of me. The confusion about the situation and my feelings for Charleston - trying to understand what he meant to me. 

"No one is telling me anything!" I felt like the universe was pulling me in a hundred different directions and I couldn't keep up, or figure out which part of me was where. 

"No one is telling me anything and it's driving me crazy! I'm immune, but I'm not. I don't know you, but apparently I do. People keep leaving and then coming back and I am so exhausted of trying to figure things out. I just need to know, Patrick. I just need to know one thing." 

"What? Pip, I want to help you. What is the one think you need to know most?"

Why ask a question if you can't bare the answer? I had to ignore it - the whispering fear in my heart. I needed this. I needed Patrick to tell me.

"Will I ever see him again?" 


This is bad, sorry.

I made up for it with a cute gif of Patrick.

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