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                        15 comments for an update!!

+ And oh, my heart, how can I face you now? +

+ I Have Made Mistakes +


HE WAS LEFT so somber.

I didn't know what I could have said to him, but I wanted to make up for bringing the harsh memories forward. "Well," I began, pausing to think of the right thing, "I'm sorry that you lost her." 

He smiled in compassion. Faintly, but it was there. 

"Do you know how she's been?" Maybe talking about her would help the grief he was left with.

"No." Charleston replied regretfully. "I haven't heard from her in months." Or maybe it wouldn't. 

Without thinking, I spoke again, immediately apologetic. "I bet you miss her." It was such a stupid thing to say. I hadn't felt so frustrated with myself in a long while. 

He chuckled - in a sad, sad sort of way. In a trying-not-to-let-it-show sort of way. "Of course I do." 

He had kept his gaze on his actions the whole conversation,  but I had only been watching him; I was trying to understand him, in all his complexity, but missed that there may have been more important things that I needed to be focused on. 

"I'm sorry, I really don't usually pry into people's lives this much." I began to ramble on to him, laughing at myself for being so impolite. He joined in, yet I could tell that he found amusement in other things - potentially not even picking up on my lack of manners. 

"It's okay." He calmed my nerves. "It's actually nice." He stated. Talking about it." 

I nodded. "Maybe you'll see her again. Maybe someday soon." I suggested, trying to leave him with some hope. 

"Yeah." He agreed. "I'll see her someday soon." 

As he looked up at me, my eyes drifted to his hand. The one that was reaching for my arm. 

Reaching out to touch me.

I  stood up from my seat in an instant, knocking it over with the force of my movement. I backed up from him until I was almost against the wall, convinced that the rattling beat of my heart was echoing in the silence between us. I looked him, and him at me, and I told myself that I was wrong about him. 

He stood to his feet, hands up in front of chest, palms facing me. He didn't say anything, just looked at me; his eyes said enough. 

"Charleston..." I mumbled his name, unable to face him. 

"Pip, look at me." 

I shook my head. 


"Charleston!" I interrupted him, freezing his actions. I fixed my sight back on him, searching him for an answer - a single answer to the millions of questions I had in my head. "Why?" 

It was all I could find. The only question I could narrow my speeding thoughts to. Nothing about my situation made sense; how it had came so suddenly, how it had changed into what it had in the few seconds that it did.

"You need to listen to me." He stood a little taller, trying to grasp some authority. But as he came closer, I only stepped further away. 

I shook my head, my eyes quickly wet with tears. "I can't." 

He tried to reason with me, desperation clouding his eyes. "I just need you to listen."

"I can't do a thing for you right now." 

"Please." He mumbled. "You've gotta trust me." 

I felt a pang in my chest - a twist of betrayal. Where did it come from? Everything was overwhelming. "Trust?" I murmured. "Trust?" I felt sick to my soul. 

"Charleston, you just tried to kill me." 


Really happy with this!

Were you guys expecting this? 

Dedication because your comments literally made the sun shine in my heart!

I just want to say the biggest thank you I can to all the lovely people who have been leaving me comments. You are all so kind and supportive, and genuinely interested in my story!

 It is a delight to know that you actually like this book. If I could sit down and read all your comments for an entire day, I would. 

It literally makes me so happy to read them, I can't even begin to say. 

Also, I've began to add lyrics to the top of each chapter.

15 comments for an update!!! 

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