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I WOKE UP the next morning still feeling warm

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I WOKE UP the next morning still feeling warm. It was as though Charleston's jacket had left such an impression on my skin, as though I could feel him even when he wasn't around.

I waited for Thea and we headed up to breakfast together, being the last two out of our cabin so we could have some privacy to talk. She had fallen asleep before I returned, and though we weren't sure how long had passed in that time, according to Thea, it was far too late.

It almost amused me how she was lecturing me to be careful. She was five years younger than me, so if anything, I should have been the one to worry over her. Still, I refrained my laughter as I didn't want to upset her, despite it being quite hard sometimes to control myself.

When we sat down in the Mess Hall, Ava joined us and we continued on with our conversation. I didn't feel like eating, so I stirred my food around as I spoke. There were still a lot of things I wasn't telling them. It wasn't lying exactly, but it was hiding a lot of the truth - mostly the details about our conversations and what I felt whenever I was around Charleston. 

However, the one thing I was in no rush to tell them about was the new medicine that Charleston had been giving me. I knew it would instantly set them back to where we started, and I could see Ava warming up to the idea of him, so I was in no position to risk it. 

It felt like MiKinley and I hadn't spoken in days. We were both confused around each other, not knowing if we should just act normal, or talk, or not talk. I missed him, and I wanted everything to be okay with him, but he was making it hard. We stole glances at each other over breakfast, tried to pretend like we weren't listening to the other when we started up a conversation with the person next to us, but we both knew we were. I prayed we would get through this. 

I hadn't even thought about looking for Charleston at breakfast. I was too busy explaining to Ava part of what happened last night. It was obvious now that I trusted him. I don't think they knew to what extent that was; even I didn't, but that alone was worth enough for them to try and do the same. I wish MiKinley thought so too. 

As if on cue, Charleston appeared by the Medic Centre doors as Thea, Ava and I began to walk around The Dormir. We shared a look; I think Thea noticed. 

"Has Charleston told you anything about The Dormir?" 

I turned to my left, tilting my head at Thea. "What do you mean?" 

"Is he aware of things that we aren't? Is there a different set of rules for him, considering that he is a guard?" 

I hadn't really thought about things like Thea had. I shrugged my shoulders whilst I thought of a suitable answer. I was hesitant to admit the truth to them - to inform them that there were things hidden from us, lies being told, people putting us at risk. 

"Yes." It came out of me before I could think of what to follow. "Charleston knows a lot. A lot of things about who is working here, and what goes on when we aren't looking. We know what they don't want us to." 

Ava's eyes widened as if she had just seen a ghost. I don't think she had expected me to know the answer to her question, more so, to know the specifics of what the question led to. 

"We?" She questioned. 

I realized then that I had given away a lot more to them than I had intended to. Suddenly, I began to feel really hot - like I had done when I woke up, only the feeling was more intense now. 

"Pip?" Ava asked again, this time her voice was more concerned than pushy. "Pip, are you okay?" 

It took me a few moments for my mind to catch up to my body. I had only registered the sudden heat I was feeling, and so I couldn't understand how she seemed to know that something was off until my vision started dancing. I stopped walking to try and hold my balance but I could barely make sense of the world around me. 

I heard voices: Thea and Ava. I think I traced one back to MiKinley at some point. 

All I could focus on was the panic: what was happening to me, and why was it happening so fast? The heat. The world dancing in front of my eyes. The dizziness in my mind. 

My knees gave in, I collapsed to the ground, terror in my chest. 

Someones voice boomed above everyone else's: "I bet it's the Fog!" 

I blinked - my eyes heavy to open again. Before I gave in to the pull of the sickness, I saw a figure crouching down in front of me. There was no doubt in my mind. 



I literally just got half way into writing this and thought, 'You know what? Let's have Pip faint.'

I didn't even plan it, but I like what it will lead to. It's still following the same plan, so don't worry. And thank you for all being so interested in the story!

Dedication because your support means so much to me. 

In the gif, ignore that Marcus is holding back Bellamy. It's how I picture Charleston in this chapter, just without the physical contact for obvious reasons.

John 3:16

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