Chapter 56

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Adrian's  P.O.V

Natalie had been ignoring me for a week and though she tried her best to make me feel otherwise but I knew she was doing it on purpose. I tried to ask Jason and aunt too but they didn't tell me either.

Finally she called me. I would've been glad if it was to talk to me like we normally did but no.

That call was like a bombshell. Everything went blurry and it felt like a nightmare but it was the ugliest reality ever. She told me she was dating Enrique!

For six long years I treated her with nothing but respect and love. She did the same but refused to date me. I told her that I would wait for her regardless of what she said. But I did a big mistake. I never should've moved to Australia leaving her behind. If I were there Enrique wouldn't even be her friend. He filled my spot and became close to her.

What have I done? What did I miss? What was I lacking? Would it had been okay If I forced her back then to date me? No. That would be bad,  extremely bad. But what did I get after being too good? I lost her. I lost the love of my life. I never dated ever since I realized my feelings for her.

People always used to tell me that we were perfect together but I always had doubts about her accepting me and I was right. She accepted him but rejected me. She felt nothing for me. But I can't even blame her because I knew she never had any feelings for anybody. That jerk must have tricked her or something.

But does it even matter? I know her. I know her too well. She doesn't just give every admirer a chance. So she actually started caring for him. There's nothing in this world for people like me. Being considerate to the person I love have taken me nowhere. Love is such a waste of time. I wish I didn't love her that much then I would have tried it in every possible way yo get her back from him but I'll lose her even more after that.

It's been two months of her dating Enrique. I haven't talked to her for a month. A whole fucking month and it has killed me. I needed time to convince myself. Never in my life I cried for someone but I cried for her. I cried my heart out. I knew I won't be able to hold back longer and it's getting out of hand now. Last night I got so angry so out of control that I punched the mirror brutally.

I can't ignore her anymore. I need to see her. I need to go back and talk to her about all of this to clear things out between us. I can't lose her as a friend also.


Enrique's  P.O.V

She's such a mystery. She does things when I least expect it. She always catches me off guard. I decided to take her to Gantry Plaza State Park. Environment was so cozy and she was walking with me. I so wanted to hold her hand but because of that stupid promise I didn't. It had been almost three weeks since I last touched her and I was getting desperate more and more. How did I manage to wait for her for two long years? Since it's for her I can wait more than this.

I was clenching unclenching my fists to control myself from breaking my promise. So I distanced myself from her and started walking at the other side. I was sulking so damn much that I didn't notice a familiar figure getting close to me and holding my left hand lightly.

I looked back at her but she was acting like it was nothing. Damn it,  Natalie. You held my hand for the first time on your own. Am I not supposed to get shocked as hell? God why is she so difficult to read sometimes? Taking an initiative like that was revealing the obvious fact that she was now really into this relationship.

I want to do a lot of things with her. Our first dance as a couple. Us getting intimate publicly. She moving in with me. Us getting married. Us becoming parents. Us getting old together. But time is just moving too slow. I want more but what we have right now is so damn amazing that I just want to seize every moment. Putting things into a nutshell I am a greedy ****.

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