ii. high heels' queen

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A week later and Alexander had full consciousness things were worst than ever.

Ryan started hooking up with Octavia in every corner, he and Wes joined the Lacrosse team. And even Mark started going out with Malia. Just like that, Wes had won the bet: they sat everyday with the populars. Who was Alec trying to trick, they were popular. And now they sat everyday with the rude red-haired and her just as cold friends.


"Mr. Mathews." Alec looked up, "Pay attention."

And just like that, he was back to AP Biology.

It was missing two minutes to ring the bell, and Alec could hear the pointers of the clock, on the wall, just above the teacher's head.

"And now your tests." Mr. Styles announced.

Alec closed his eyes when the teacher approached his seat and gave him the test. He grabbed it and when his eyes focused on the red mark, his eyes widened. Alec had a C. Maybe things weren't that bad, after all.

Lydia got her test as well, but unlike her friends, she didn't show it to everyone, she quickly fold the paper and put it inside her bag, with care. With luck, Alec was able to see the red mark on her test. A+. The dumb and cold red-haired girl had a A+ at AP Biology.

"What's your grade, Lyds?" Octavia asked.


Who would have said that Lydia Jones, the most popular girl in school, was just a big liar.

A Month Later

In the weekends Lydia was always busy. It was her life, work for others and wait for the world to thank her back somehow. Actually, people's smiles were enough for her, at least she was able to make someone happy. She had a purpose.

"You're welcome." Lydia smiled warmly again and went back to the balcony.

Elena went to her, "Thank you so much for coming earlier, Lydia."

"You can always count on me. You know how much I love to help people."

"Your Mother must be proud."

"I hope so." The red-haired nodded.

Lydia went back to work. She grabbed the spoon and got back to make the soup. Then went to make the sandwiches, along side with Jason. And another meal was ready.

Just like Lydia, Alexander's weekends were always busy, or so their parents liked. Going out with friends or alone was a privilege, they usually went to some cabin where they could hunt like a big happy and normal family. Whatever normal meant, Alec didn't think normal families existed anymore.

"Did you heard about the Mountain Lion's attack?"

Alec focused on the conversation.

Everyone was talking about it and it wouldn't take long for it to reach the Blue Council's ears, and then they would comunicate the Red Council that would intruct his parents to investigate it, to be sure it was really a Mountain Lion that killed the couple the previous weekend.

Alec sat down on the bench, focusing on the conversation the old couple was having. And noticed they looked too bad dressed to be eating at such a nice restaurant - not that it was his business, or people had to dress nicely to go have lunch somewhere. But it was weird.

And that was when Alexander noticed the small figure approaching the couple, hair up in a bunny, some jeans and a sweater, but it was her. Lydia Jones. Her red-haired hair was hard to miss. Her hand was holding a plate, with two meals. She put them on the table and smiled.

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