TWENTY SIX: "Not Ever"

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Alexander went home, in the end of the dy. Of course not before leaving Lydia in her yellow house. He waited for her to get inside, ot be sure she would be safe. He allowed himself to stay by her door for a few minutes, and only then, after, did he went home. 

"What I said." Alec replied.

"Who is that vampire then?" Theodore narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, and why does she want to hurt you?" Alycia leaned forward.

"Do you think I know?!" He was mad, angry, "She killed Octavia!"

"We know." Robert lowered his head, "And I'm sorry."

"Well, maybe if you had done your job like you should-." Ryan accused.

"Ok, stop." Thome stood up, "That is enough."

"Arguing will lead us nowhere." His wife agreed.

They were in the hidden living room, sitting down in the same couch Ethan had been beeding out, unconscious; they had him right there. And, from one moment to the other, they had nothing.

"Did you hear that?" Mark stood up.

"What?" Lily looked up, alert.

"Yeah, I heard it too." Wesley widened his eyes, "Outside."

Everyone rushed to the main hall, and they didn't need to open the front door, made of glass, to smell the rotting from the other side, neither to identify the body by their door.

"Oh my-." Andrea covered her mouth.

Robert stepped forward and opened the door, approaching the corpse, and was followed by all the others. The porche was filled now, everyone looking down.

"It's really Ethan." Richard whispered.

"Yes, it is." Alycia nodded.

"There's a note." Mark leaned to grab the piece of paper, and unfolded it, "This is what I do when people stop being useful. I never lose."

"It has to be her." Alec swallowed. 

"It's obvious." Wes clenched his teeth. 

"What do we do?" Lily looked up at the Red Counsil's Leader.

"Well, we must speak with Alfie." Robert said.

"What?! No!" Alexander became tense, "He will go back to the same stupid subjet, that's all he cares about!"

"Maybe he's right." Theodore looked down, "Maybe Lydia needs this to, truly, be safe."

"She's safe with me!"

"Really? She was safe with you that night?" Rich faced him.

Alexander threw himself against the Red Council's member, with his fangs showing and his eyes shining blue; he hit the vampire's face, withouth caring to listen to the others' screams. Everything happened so fast. Theodore and Robert were the first ones to step forward and they managed to push Alec from Richard, now with a bloody face. Nothing that wouldn't be fixed in less than five minutes.

"What the hell?!" Rich stood up.

"Never say something like that again." Alec threatened him.

"Or what, boy?" He stepped closer, "You will kill like you did with that poor girl all those decades ago?"

"Richard!" Robert lectured him, and faced both, "Enough!"

"Maybe I will." Alexander spoke up, clenched teeths.

"It never crossed your mind, am I right?" Richard went on, "The possibility of you not being good enough for her."

"That's enough!" Lily grabbed her brother's arm, "Enough of this! You're in our house, respect us!"

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