v. let it go

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"Ryan?" Alec knocked on the door, "Can we talk?"

"Come on in."

Mathews closed the door when he entered, not that it would prevent anyone from hearing anything in that house, but somehow it made the environment more private.

"What's going on?" Ryan looked at his brother.

"Ah, were you with Octavia on Friday night?" He asked.

"Again, Alec?! I thought you got that –. "

"She was attacked that night. By one of us." Alec interrupted him.

Ryan opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. He seemed genuinely surprised and Alexander wanted to believe so, but that was Ryan. He fed on people, and it's not supposed to. Their parents have worked too hard to have the influence they have on the Red Council.

"It wasn't me." His brother finally said, "Yeah, I already fed on her, but not too much. I'm always careful, you know that. Besides, she consented."

"Ryan," Alec began, "Lydia said you went out with Octavia that night. She thinks –."

"So it's Lydia who's putting these things in your head?" Ryan stood up, "Oh, forget it. No matter what I say, when you're blinded by a girl, you're really blind. I should have known."

Alexander clenched his teeth, and his eyes painted a brilliant blue, his fangs grew, they became white, deadly thorns. His brother didn't care and laughed.

"Does Lydia think I attacked her best friend?" He repeated, "And why didn't she come and talk to me? You're already close to each other, is that it?"

"Ryan," He roared.

"Well," Ryan approached, "tell your little bitch that I had nothing to do with what happened to Octavia, but I'm also interested in knowing who messed with my girl."

Alec let out a terrifying sound through clenched teeth.

"What's going on here, boys?" Lily peeked out the door, "It's all ok?"

"Yes, Alexander was already leaving, right?" Ryan looked at him.

"Yes." Mathews murmured, and his eyes returned to their normal blue.

Lily opened the door wider to allow Alec to leave. As he left the room, Ryan looked at him once more.

"Don't accuse me again, brother."

Alec gave him a crooked look before continuing down the hall.

Lydia couldn't sleep with the curiosity pounding in her head. So she stayed there, watching the hours pass, her eyes stuck on the black screen of her phone.

"Lydia, aren't you going to sleep?"

Amelia was leaning against the door. The redheaded was sitting at the desk, gripping the phone so tightly that her fingers were red.

"I'm waiting for a message." Lydia replied, not taking her eyes off the dark screen.

"Hunny, it's already eleven o'clock, tomorrow you've practice and –"

Her mother was interrupted by a small beep. Jones straightened in her chair and unlocked her phone. She opened the message that had just received.

Meet me at the park.

Lydia didn't need the message to be signed, she knew it was Alexander Mathews. She stood up, and just then noticed the worried look on her mother's face.

"It's important, Mom. Half an hour and I'm home, ok?" The redhead promised.

"But, Lydia –"

Jones was already halfway down the stairs, and although she could still hear her mother, she needed to know what Alec had discovered in his conversation with Ryan.

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