TWENTY THREE: Too Merciful

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Lydia wasn't upset, neither did she blamed anyone. Everyone in the room was looking at her, however, with a reflexion of kind, pity. She hated it. She didn't want, in any way, for they to look at her with pity. Lydia was just calm, like when we get a bad new and we don't know how to react - that kind of calm. The kind of calm before the storm.

"Let's go talk to Alfie now." Robert spoke up.

"Ok." She nodded.

"Are you ok?" Alexander approached, carefully.

"I'm great." Jones tried to smile, "I'll go with you."

"Oh, ok." Alycia gestured with her head.

Everyone forwarded to the giant building that was PIP; Lydia had been there before, when she dared to go on a search about the Mathews. At least, now she knew what had happened during that hundred years that, in the file, they were mentioned.

"Alfie is waiting for you." Mrs. Miller, the same vampire that had greeted her in her other visit, showed them the way.

Robert opened, with a exaggerated delicacy, the door that almost went by unoticed amongst so many paitings haging on the walls - some, probably, were worth millions, or maybe all of them. Lydia was the last when to walk in, Candica and Alexis, both members of the Blue Council looked her away and smiled.

"You may sit." Alfie spoke for the first time.

Everyone took their places, around the big table with a top made of glass, and Alexander quickly pulled the redhead to his side. She only stared at the leaders.

"For how many time did you have the vampire locked away?" Alfie asked, the accusation being present in his tone.

"Long enough for my arrival." Robert answered.

"Hm, the deal was for you to hand him to us, once the Red Council's leader wasn't present." He looked at the Mathews, "I thought we were working together."

"And we are." Alec's father nodded.

"Well, now the vampire is lost and we were notified, a week later, that a war is coming to our doorstep." Alex spat, "Who do you think you are?!"

"You must understand, they're our people." Robert reminded them, "You'd do the same for your people as well."

"I thought everyone was our people." Alfie narrowed his eyes.

"Please," Richard rolled his eyes, "everyone here knows that's not so true."

"Yes," His brother, Theo, intervened, "you have saved your skin in the past and you still do it. So we do the same."

"We were too merciful." Candice held her chin up.

"I believe that this was not the reason why we set up this meeting." Andrea coughed.

"No, it wasn't." Robert agreed, "We need to work together, I took the protection out of the vampires that threathned this town, Alfie."

The Blue Council's Leader glanced at the girls sitting by his side, and they shook their heads slowly, at the same time. So, Alfie's look drifted to the person sitting almost on the other edge of the table.

"Lydia Jones, your life is in danger. Our priority is to protect the threatned human lifes, and that included yours." He told her, "I believe we must carry out what we talk about, now that the vampire is out somehwere again."

"No." Lydia refused.

Lily, well aware of the conversation that both had, once the redhead had touched the matter in one of their drives, looked at the girl with concern.

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