FIFTEEN: "It Hurts"

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The week passed by quickly, preparations for the party had been made. Lydia was pleased with the plan, excited, and so she kept herself busy all week, not thinking too hard about the consequences of what would happen Friday night. Alexander, on the other hand, was angry. He hated that plan. She didn't had special powers, she wasn't immortal, but she had something much more valuable, and at the same time much more dangerous, courage.

Some courage is good, a lot is deadly.

"I don't know what happened."

Thome sat down on the couch, and looked around to make sure no one could hear them. Especially not the Council, but they were all busy helping Lydia and Octavia with the preparations for the party anyway.

"You want her." His father concluded, "It's normal."

"You don't understand. It was more than that. I almost bit her." Alec told him in fear, "And I went hunting every day this week, but when I saw her in the hall I had to run the opposite direction. Hunting doesn't support me, Dad. It's blood I crave. I don't know what's wrong. "

"Nothing is wrong, son. That's what happens when we get involved with humans in that way. It happened with your mother and I, it's happening to you."

"It's as if I wanted her to satisfy my hunger forever." He was scared by his own words, "I don't want to hurt her."

"One characteristic of the immutable vampires' nature is that they mate to life through the mark. As a rule, only the bond between mates is strong enough to survive the desire for blood." Tom explained.

"But I didn't mark her. t wasn't like that." Alec sighed, "I wanted to hurt her."

"But you didn't, right?" His father called him to reason, "Because you couldn't."

Thome's words calmed him down. If there was something he would never forgive himself for would be of inflicting in Lydia any kind of pain.

"What's going to happen to Lydia, Dad?" He decided to ask.

"I don't know, Alec." He confessed, "It depends on you."

"I can't be away from her." Alexander said, "I think I'm falling for her."

"I know." Tom smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" The other looked at him confused.

"I never thought I'd see you fall in love again after Evelyn."

"It's not like this time it's any less painful." Alec sighed, "I can't have her."

"You can." Tom reminded him.

"No, not if that means she's stuck with me forever."

"Why not?" His father tried to understand.

"Because I want to know that she has the possibility to leave if she wants to. And if I mark her, she won't have that chance." Alexander closed his eyes, and sighed, "I won't hold her down for the rest of her life."

"Then she'll live unhappy for the rest of her life."

That was if Lydia still had a life left in the end of the night. That was Alexander's greatest fear, the rest he could handle later, that night was about keeping Lydia safe. Not that the girl did the job any easier, but deep down, Alec knew she just wanted to help. She wanted to catch that vampire as much as he did, but sometimes because of her constant cohabitation with vampires lately, Lydia had forgotten that she wasn't immortal.

"Are you nervous?"

The party had just begun and the space was full of strangers, both species. Anyone could be the vampire, so, yes, she was nervous, but she wouldn't let it show.

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