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When Lydia woke up, her mother was the first to hug her. They stayed there hours, just looking at each other, didn't say much. None of them knew exactly what to say. Alexander stared through the window, Lily was by his side. He knew what he wanted to say to the redhead, what he needed to say to her: that he loved her.

Amelia left the room and smiled at both Mathews, tears in her eyes, "You can come in."

Lily looked at her brother as Mrs. Jones walked away, "You can go first."

Alexander nodded and sighed loudly before entering the hospital room. Lydia immediately lifted her head so quickly that she felt dizzy. She recovered as soon as she looked into Alec's blue eyes, now closer.

Suddenly, he didn't know what else to say. Now, looking at her in that state, covered with threads and pipes, he was startled. If he could found some way to take away all the suffering from her, then he would, without hesitation. What a terrible feeling, loving someone and not being able to help them, isn't it? He loved her, yes. But to tell her that as if it were the happiest thing on earth, when the fact that he loved her was exactly the reason why Lydia was now in that bed. How selfish could Alexander be?

"I'm fine." Lydia broke the silence.

He gave her a slight smile, but of concern, strange, "I won't leave you alone."

The words had burst from his mouth, he didn't think them through. He knew there was a small possibility that he was lying to her, but he also knew that in the moment he needed to say it because Lydia needed to hear it.

"What is it, Alexander?" Jones narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing." He sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed her hand, "I'm just relieved to see you awake."

"You won't get rid of me that easily." She tried to laugh.

Alec forced a laugh too.

"My Mom told me that she was killed, the vampire." Lydia commented, "I knew we could do this without having to do what she wanted."

"You almost died." He looked into her eyes, seriously, "Don't joke about this."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are, Lydia." Alexander shook his head, "This is not a joke. I thought I was going to lose you!"

"Hey," The redhead reached the vampire's face, "I'm here, I'm alive."

"I just don't know ... what would I do if -."

"Shh." Lydia kissed his lips fondly, "It's okay."

When she pulled away, Alec kept his distance, thoughtful. She tried to analyze him, but as always, reading his thoughts was a difficult task. She would say almost impossible.

"Tell me, please." She begged him.

"I was just thinking," He said as his eyes closed tightly, his hand still squeezing hers.

"About?" Lydia asked, curious as she admired his face, as if he were the entire universe.

 "What if we're not supposed to be together? If, at some time, a casuality appears that will destroy it, us. What if the universe already gave enough signs like this one, but we ignored them because we are forcing what we want."

Lydia frowned, clearly not at all pleased by the theory.

"Please!" She rolled her eyes, "That's something I'd say, not you. Where did you get that from?"

"It's just ... you're so you. So sweet and innocent."

"You're so wrong, Alexander. So, but so wrong. I'm nothing like that, nothing. And you'll realize that. You are still blinded by the ideal you have of me, because I go to the Soup of the Poor and because I help people."Lydia sighed and straightened her posture, "But believe me, there's nothing beautiful about me, it hasn't been for a while now. "

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