SEVEN: "Lost Girl"

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Red Council.
Deaths in the city.

"Lydia, hunny." Her mother entered the room, "I made you a snack."

"Thank you, Mom." And she continued with her green eyes stuck on the screen.

Amelia set the tray down on the white desk and approached her daughter. She peeked over her shoulder, having visual access to the screen.

"Hm, why are you doing research on this?" She asked confused.

"Ah, I want to learn more about them." Lydia shrugged.

Her mother turned her chair around, and forced her to look at her.

"But why now?" Amelia wondered, "What is all of this about, Lydia Jones?"

For a split second, she thought of Alexander and the way her two names come out so naturally from his mouth. She liked it, to be honest. But she would never tell him such, she would never give him such satisfaction.


She came back to reality.

"Mom," The redhead gave in, "It's Alexia, she –."

"Yes, it's a tragedy." Her mother smiled at her with pity, "The Blue Council made a statement this morning. It's horrible."

"You know what happened to Octavia? That time? She was also attacked by a vampire." Lydia said.

"Why are you just saying that now?" Amelia sat on the long bed, "Lydia, we don't play around with vampires. You two should have made a complaint to PIP."

"Octavia said that maybe Ryan Mathews would have gotten a little too excited." Lydia shrugged.

"She doesn't remember?" Her mother asked him.

"It doesn't matter now." She replied, "We know now it wasn't a Mathews."

"Well," Amelia stood up, "you shouldn't worry about it, I'm sure PIP and the Councils have everything under control, Lydia."

When her mother closed the bedroom door, Jones turned quickly to the computer to find more information, not really sure what she was expecting to find.

" – survive by feeding on the vital essence of living creatures. The carotid artery is their target."

Lydia pulled the page down, and her eyes widened with the pictures. It was awful. And for a few moments, while pressing print, she believed the girls back at the school. Perhaps the Mathews really meant problems.

On the following day, things seemed to have gone back to normal. Everyone just forgot Alexia had died the other night. But the Mathews was just as alert as they were the day before.

"Well, your father and I are going to a meet with the Red Council this weekend because of.... the incident." Andrea looked at her children, "So, please, no human feeding, no partying, no –"

"Stop, hunny. They are responsible. It's going to be okay." Tom calmed her, "Isn't it?"

Lily stood up, "I'll be responsible while you're gone."

"Hey, why you?" Wes replied indignantly, "I can very well be."

"And me!" Mark intruded.

"See? That's what I'm talking about, Thome." Their mother got worried.

Alec sank down on the sofa, wishing he could dye himself in black so he could blend in with the black leather of the sofa. After all, he always hated the absence of his parents.

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