SIX: Grieving City

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The easiest thing for a vampire is to find it's prey. It's the instinct that attracts the predator through the delicious smell of blood and the sound of it being pumped by the heart.

In this particular case, a broken heart.

Lydia was sitting on the swing, her legs swinging back and forth with the movement of her arms. Alec revealed himself, and yet she didn't look up. He walked up to stand beside her and sat down on the other, empty swing.

"Leave me alone. I want some peace."

"Peace, hm. Do you know how peace begins, Lydia Jones?" Alexander looked at her, "With a smile."

"I don't want peace then, just you to leave me alone." She replied.

"People do stupid things when they're alone."

"You know, ever since you came into my life, it has been turned upside down! And that wasn't enough, you had to humiliate me in front of all my friends!" Lydia exalted herself, and finally looked at him, "So, I'm sorry if I don't want to talk to you!"

"Friends?" Alec laughed, "They aren't your friends. Not all of them."

"You did this just to prove you were right, didn't you?"

Lydia bit her lip, looking away, and Mathews saw a tear running down her face.

"It wasn't me." He got her attention, "I swear."

"Sure." Jones laughed and wiped the tears from her face, "You wanted revenge for Ryan and you wanted to prove your point, just admit it."

"Lydia," Alec touched her hand, "I am not like that."

The redhead looked at Mathews' hand over hers and then looked at him.

"Then who was it? You were the only person who knew."

"I don't know," Alexander then smiled at her, "but we can try to find out."

"We?" She arched a brow at him.

He laughed, "I can help you."

"You and I?" Lydia chuckled, "I don't know if it will work."

Alec stood up and realized he was still touching her hand, so instead of letting go, he grabbed it. Forced Jones to get up from the swing, and made her give a turn.

"It takes two to dance." He looked at her intently, "Besides, who doesn't like a good challenge?"

Lydia tilted her head to the side, "Who are you, Alexander?"

"Hm, just someone learning how to live." He confessed.

"Well, in that case, I wish you a happy life."

The redhead raised their hands together as if they were toasting with champagne glasses and Alec found it the funniest thing ever, and that was a good compliment coming from a vampire.

Two people with centuries apart, hands pressed together and a commom goal: to truly live.

Next day, Lydia woke up with a strange emptiness in her chest. Octavia hadn't answered to her messages, she felt ignored. And it hurt to know that Alec was right about everyone leaving her eventually, as soon as her strong posture failed.

"Are you ready, Lydia?!"

The girl shouted back a coming. She was dressed, but she had no shoes on. And Jones knew her breakfast would be just an apple because she was really late.

Lydia opened the closet and examined the pairs of shoes at her choice, without much thought grabbed the silver tennis Elena had given her for her birthday. Then she put them on.

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