TWENTY SEVEN: "Hello, Love"

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And without realizing, it was already Saturday.

Time passes by quickly, that is not secret to anyone, but we still continue to want more, more time. We always think we're going to have more time, that's a human flaw, isn't it? To always want more and not give value to what they have. And what a horrible flaw that is.

"Why are we here?"

It was a beautiful day, the sun was high, no shame, it was at its height, shining more than ever. It always seems to shine brighter than the day before, actually.

"We're here because you need to get out of your house, breathe fresh air." Lily looked behind for a couple of seconds, just to continue to walk after.

"A walk was dispensable." Lydia muttered, "I have the Soup of the Poor."

"Oh come one, it's not the same thing." The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, damn right. It's better."

Lily stopped and turned around to face the other girl, and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting. Lydia stared back at her, confused.

"What do you want to do then?"

"I know why I'm here." Jones confessed.

"Do you?" Lily arched her brows.

"Yes, you want to talk." The redheaded gestured, "You think that after you get me drunk on tiredness I'll openly talk to you, am I right?"

"Well," The blonde bit down on her lip, "maybe."

"Lily." Lydia breathed, controlling herself not to roll her eyes.

"I just don't want you to feel alone. I know what it is like and it's awful and if I can do for you what no one ever did for me..." The Mathews told her, "I will do it."

"I'm great!" She replied.

"Really? Just stop, Lyds." Lily pleaded, "Be honest! Forget what's polite or apropriate and just be honest. I'm not interested in you pleasing me."

"I... I don't know what to do." Lydia looked down at the city, above them, "I just feel so much... anger! So much."

"That's good, anger is better than tears, right?" The blonde stepped closer.

"But I keep crying!" Jones shouted.

The redhead fell to the ground, sighing to herself. She looked away. Lily thought she was enjoying the view from another perspective. Then she realized that Lydia was crying. Lily could feel her crying. Shivering and crying. The redhead didn't look up, and then Lily put her arms around Lydia. She didn't say anything. Sometimes a sympathetic silence is better than a bunch of nonsense words.

Unlike the redhead, Alexander would not allow himself to cry. He had joined his brothers in a futile search around the city, while Robert and the rest of the Red Council had gone to meet with the Blue Council. This time, the leader thought it best that the Mathews were left out, they were causing trouble at the meetings, which Alec had to admit to be true.

When they fot back home, it was not empty. The door was open, and everyone knew that their parents had gone hunting for dinner, and they would never leave the door open. The delicious smell finally attacked the nostrils of the Mathews, which aroused their supernatural senses. Alexander was the first to enter, he immediately noticed the bodies on the ground, there were at least three, but the track continued down the hall.

"What the hell..."

"Someone's here." Ryan whispered.

"There." Wesley pointed to the track of bodies.

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