TEN: "Am I Dead?"

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Alexander was sitting on the edge of the cliff, legs stretched out, arms supporting his weight. Lydia was just there, peeking through the foliage. Finally she leaned against the tree, just watching him. Anyone who saw how she looked at him, knew that she was hooked.

"Why did you follow me here?" His voice sounded far away.

He had abandoned her in the middle of the forest and walked all the way to the top of the city. And she knew she couldn't leave things unsaid, that would only hurt herself, so she went after him.

Lydia uncrossed her arms and stepped closer.

"I never knew this place."

"Lily showed me." Alec told her.

Jones closed her eyes, letting the wind hug her.

Then memories floated around her. That night she could have died, she remembered wanting to die. And if it wasn't for Alexander and Ryan that was what would have happened.

"I'm not afraid of you, if that's what you think." Lydia stared at him.

"I hate when you lie to me."

"But I don't lie to you, I –."

"Stop, stop lying." Alec continued to stare at the landscape, "I saw it, ok? I saw how terrified you were. You don't need to lie to make me feel better. "

Lydia burst out laughing and shook her head, couldn't believe what he was saying.

"You think I'd be here if I was scared of you?" Jones replied, "You think I'm here to make you feel better?"

Alexander stood up in a sudden movement.

"Yes! Isn't that what you see when you look at me? Something that needs to be fixed?!"

"The only thing I see right now is an idiot!" Lydia shouted at him, "You're so stupid! You're the only thing wrong with yourself!"

"Go on! Tell me how bad I am! Come on!" Alec encouraged her, "Come on, Lydia! You can do better than that!"

"God," She ran her hands through her hair, tired, "why the hell am I even here?"

"Yes, Lydia. Why are you here?"

"Well, maybe I like you!" Jones looked at him, "Maybe I want to find out what's behind your mask!" She moved closer until she was so close that Alec's blue eyes seemed to blind her, "Why won't you let me?!" Lydia hit his chest in the end.

Then the silence settled.

Jones waited for Mathews to say something, to do something. But he did nothing, he just kept looking down into her small green eyes and sighed.

When she thought he would never speak to her again, he surprised her.

"You wouldn't like it, Lydia. Believe me."

"Let me be the one who decides that, Alexander." She pleaded.

"I don't even know why you like me." Alec grabbed her shoulders, "Look at me!"

"I am." Lydia whispered.

"So why?"

"Maybe because in a school full of people, you noticed the girl with a strange soul and eyes overflowing with knowledge. Because usually, when I collapse, nobody really notices. They just walk over the pieces."

Alexander licked his lips and she bit into her lower one.

"But you stopped and grabbed one piece and you dared to ask, who are you?"

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