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"When we lose..., and we will lose, you" The redhead pointed at her best friend, "will pay a good lunch."

"How pessimist." Octavia rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you always used to be the optimistic." Amber commented.

Lydia shrugged, and continued the practice. When the ball fell perfectly into Malia's hands, the redhead allowed herself to distract. Her green eyes met familiar blue ones on the benches, and next to him was Lily. A smile quickly appeared on her face.

"I'll be back in a second."

She left her friends behind and crossed the field, lucky her they were on the first row. She approached them.


"Hey, Lyds." The blonde greeted, she was excited, "I haven't seen one of this, years."

Jones laughed with Lily's hesitation. And quickly she drifted her attention towards Alec, that kept his eyes on the floor.

"Is everything ok?" Lydia touched his shoulder, "Alexander?"

He looked up, and then forced a smile.

"What's wrong?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Well I'll get some popcorn." Lily stood up, "See ya."

Mathews followed his sister with his eyes, and the redhead stopped him from continuing doing so when she sat down by his side.

"Nothing is wrong." Alec assured her.

"Don't do that..." She closed her eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" He shrugged.

Alec just looked down, it seemed impossible to look into her eyes. She didn't remember seeing him that way since the day she saw him turn in the woods. And this time, somehow, it seemed worse. Way worse. His blue eyes were full with pain.

"Alec," The redhead spoke, "I'm never judging you for whatever it is you do, you do know that?

He stood still, not saying a word.

"Lydia! The game is about to start!" Octavia screamed to her.

Jones looked at the boy one more time, hoping that in some reflexion moment he realized that he was pushing her way, again. And she just wanted his well-being, his happiness.

Alec finally spoke.

"You should go. The game is about to start, Lydia Jones."

Her name left in such a cold way from his lips that it even made her shiver.

"But - ."

"Go." He insisted.

And Lydia did go.

The game started and Lily came back. Alec ignored his sister, his attention was only on the girl with hair on fire. She was doing fine, as were her friends, so he had no doubt the game was theirs; it was won already.

During break, a lady sat down next to him and only when her spoke to Alec did he faced her, realizing it was Lydia's mother.

"Is everything ok?" She smiled, "I couldn't get here earlier."

"Don't worry," Lily leaned forward, "Lydia is doing great."

"Good to know." Amelia replied, "Amelia Jones."

"Lily." The blonde greeted, "Alec's sister."

"Oh, well your genes are good." Mrs. Jones winked.

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