THIRTY: "It's all for her"

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Lydia had returned to the Soup of the Poor the following weekend, she was beginning to feel claustrophobic inside her house, it seemed that the air was going to run out at any moment. Her mother tried to stop her, she was worried, but there wasn't much she could do to stop her. And Amelia knew so.

"Hi, Lydia."

The red-haired girl turned around, blinked a few times before falling down to herself again. The girl in front of her continued to smile at her, much to Jones' surprise.

"Candice?" Lydia raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, it's me." The blonde nodded.

Candice Queen was Alfie's right-hand, along with Alexis. Unfortunatelly, or fortunatelly, he had many, one for each country. She must be in her twenties, maybe less. But no one would say, life seemed to have devoured any vestige of youth in her.

Candy looked up, "How are you? You look good. "

"I'm fine." Jones replied and then swallowed, "I thought you were leaving after the vampire's death..."

"We did." She confirmed, "But duty called me."

Lydia's expression changed, panic seizing her senses. Candice caught the girl's quick breath and patted her shoulder with affection.

"Don't worry. It's no crazy vampire on the loose, it's just Council paperwork." Candy explained patiently.

Jones sighed, relieved. A new question haunted her, and she thought it best to throw her away and put an end to all that distress.

"I never knew what happened to the other vampires, she wasn't alone." Lydia commented.

"They're gone. Some were taken by Robert, pardoned, and joined the Red Council. Others are just... gone." The blonde said to her, with a slight shrug at the end.


"Well, it was good to see you." Candice smiled one last time, "Take care of yourself, Lydia Jones."

Candy passed unnoticed among the homeless and disappeared. Lydia didn't take long to look at the agitated crowd, quickly returning to work. There was so much to do, Jason hadn't showed up and Elena needed extra help, so it wasn't really a good idea to get lost in nothing. What happened more and more regularly.

"Jason didn't call you yet?" Lydia asked.

"No, I'm worried about him." Elena confessed, "I thought he had told you something, you're best friends after all, aren't you?"

Best friends. Jones was no longer sure if that was the correct term for both of them, at least not at that moment. Not after the way she'd treated him. But Jason hadn't behaved much better, which somehow reassured her.

"I don't think we are, Elena." Lydia murmured, "Not anymore."

Alexander, on the other hand, was surrounded by his best friends. His younger sister and older sister both had a serious, absent-minded expression. This worried him, especially Lily, who was always bouncy and full of life, even after seven hundred years of existence.

"What is it?" Alec asked.

"Something happened." The blonde approached, her eyes fixed on her own hands, "Candice from the Blue Council is on her way."

He frowned. The vampire was dead, the other vampires were gone, or subjugated to Robert. How unlucky could they be that they were never entitled to more than a month's rest? Judging by the succession of events, a lot.

"It's the list, Alec. Someone wrote Lydia's name." Alycia went straight to the problem," On the Red Council's list and Robert was forced to warn Alfie, after all, she's human. "

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