Simon - im here for you

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I was on the couch waiting for my boyfriend Jake to come home. This has only recently started happening after he started his new job as an accountant. He would come home claiming he worked over time but the smell of alcohol in his breath said exactly what he was doing. I never liked his work mates. They were too loud and obnoxious, not to mention that they were all stuck up there own arses.

It was 12:47 and I was contemplating wether to just go to bed or not when I heard the rattling of keys in the keyhole .I was about to greet my boyfriend when I heard giggles from a woman.

I decided to wait behind a door and listen. I couldn't hear anything so I walked into the hallway and there they were. He had her pinned to the wall, tongues down each others throats .

" HOW COULD YOU" I shouted with tears already beginning to fall.

"O (Y/N )what are you doing here?" He asked unphased by the fact that I just saw him making out with another girl.

"YOU ASKED ME TO BE HERE" I yelled back.

" No I didn't." He said bluntly. He really didn't care. We had been dating for 9 month now and he was ready to just throw that all away.

"You really don't care do you? We've been dating for 9 months now and that's it. That's all you have to say."that came out more as a whisper than a shout.

"WHY ARE YOU SO CLINGY, YOUR SUCH A LITTLE DORK GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!" He screamed his words really hurt. He then turned to the other girl and said. "I'm sorry Kaye she's just leaving."

I immediately ran upstairs and packed my bag. I only had a few cloth at his place so it wasn't difficult. I pushed past them both and slammed the door. I unlocked my car and drove to the nearest gas station. I filled up my car and walked in thier small shop. I pulled up the hood on my sidemen hoodie my best friend Simon gave me so no one saw I was crying. He was always there when I needed him.

I grabbed a (preferd fizzy drink ) and a packet of crisps and paid. I then drove off and pulled into the side of the road.

I took out my phone and called my best friend Simon. It rang for a bit before it connected.

"Hello" Simon croaked our from the other side of the phone.

"Simon, sorry if I woke you." I managed to say without sobbing. Simon's voice soon became more awake and filled with concern as he realised I had been crying.

"(Y/N)? what's wrong"

I explained the whole thing to him and he told me to come stay with him at the sidemen house tonight.

~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by Harry saying "acuma acuma, vikkstar will groom ya" ~~~~~~~~

I had arrived at the sidemen house and was sitting cross legged on his gaming chair, while he sat on his bed.

"I know what will get your mind off of things" Simon says out of the blue.

"What?" I said not bothering to put emphasis on the word

"Funny videos!" Simon nearly shouted with a big smile on his face.

"I can't, not like this Si."

" O come on just a few pleeeeeeaaaaaassse! " He said extending the'e'in please.

"O OK"


Simon and I were hysterically laughing at one of the Sidemen's 'Cards Against Humanity' videos. He had really cheered me up and I almost forgotten about the issue with Jake. Almost.

"It's getting late, I should probably go home." I said, getting up out of my chair but Simon quickly grabbed my wrist.

"It is really dark outside, you could just spend the night with me. We can share my bed, after all we are best friends." He suggested and for some reason the thought of sharing a bed with Simon made me blush. What am I thinking? Best friends do this all the time so why can't we?

"Yeah sure why not?" I smiled at him and he returned it. We both climbed into bed together and stared at each other, the bed covers up to our shoulders. He gently placed his hand on my waist and stared into my eyes. I blushed once again and broke eye contact with him.

" Goodnight Si." I say, closing my eyes, ruining the moment.

"Goodnight Y/N" He mutters and I smile as I let sleep take over.


I woke up in a daze, blinking several times. I stared at Simon next to me who was still sleeping soundly, his mouth slightly agape. I giggled at how cute he looked before averting my attention to the position we were in.

Our legs were intertwined with each other and he had his arms wrapped protectively around my waist whilst my hands were placed on his chest. I stared in shock and realised that there was no way I was going to get out of it. Part of me wanted to stay in his arms for a little longer yet the sensible part of me needed to get out.

I nudged Simon carefully who at first didn't react at all. I did the same thing yet a little harder and he began to stir. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he noticed me looking at him.

"Morning" muttered Simon . He said as he smiled slightly.

"Hey Si, ya mind letting go a bit?" I asked sheepishly , nodding towards his long arms.

"Oh, y..Yeah s..orry " he said stuttering whilst Loosening  his grip enabling me to get out.

I was only wearing underwear and a long sidemen top Simon had leant me. It was pretty comfortable. I got out of bed and could see out of the corner of my eye Simon was staring . It was kind of uncomfortable so I quickly placed my black jeans back on from the previous night.

"Er... (Y/N) before you go , there is something I need to tell you " I cut him off.

"I'm really sorry Si I must go" I said rushing to put my clothes back on.

"Was it something I did?" He questioned.

"Of course not Si, I just promised to meet a friend and I'm late!"

"Oh OK. I'm hear if you need me"

"Thanks I'll call you later yeah?"

"Yeah, bye"

"Bye" I finished giving him a wave as I exited his bedroom.

Part 2 sooooooooooon

-Molly x

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