JJ - Jealousy

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I loved parties. Especially ones that involve all of the other Sidemen. Simon had just hit 6 million on his YouTube channel and we were all celebrating. I mostly just hung out with my boyfriend, JJ and he didn't complain at all. We were all enjoying ourselves and I felt as though the night would last forever.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." JJ whispered in my ear causing me to shiver slightly. As he left to go to the bathroom, I turned to face Simon, the man of the moment himself.

"Congrats Si, you really deserve it." I congratulate and he smiles at me. Since Simon and JJ were so close, Simon and I had a pretty close friendship as well. We started up an easy conversation with each other and soon we were laughing our heads off. I looked at my phone to find a text from JJ saying that he had to pop to the store to get more beverages. I sent him three kisses before turning my phone off and found Simon looking over my shoulder.

"What are you doing you creep?" I joked as I looked at Simon and he smiled sheepishly back before replying,

"JJ really is lucky to have you. I mean, you are his first serious relationship and I can tell. I mean, he texts you. He practically never answers the phone"

I laughed as I thought about what Simon had said, it was true. JJ has been taking things further lately and I was happy with how things were.

"Hey. I don't want to make things awkward but I used to like you when I first met you. You seemed really sweet and I thought that maybe you had a chance with me." Simon confessed and I was shocked by it.

I had been dating JJ for a month when he finally decided to introduce me to Simon. I had never really suspected anything yet now that I think to back to it, he did seem to give off a lot of signs.

"Did JJ know about this?" I asked wondering if Simon had actually kept this from his childhood friend.

"I told him a few weeks later, the guilt was just too much. I didn't realise how special you were to him until that day," Simon sighed as he continued, "The guy threatened me to stay away from you unless I agreed to just be a friend to you. I was so scared and I agreed."

I had to admit that week JJ had acted a little off and I hadn't even managed to have a normal conversation with Simon at all.

"I appreciate you telling me Simon, I mean it's big news. But you have to understand that I really do love JJ..."

"Oh no don't worry. I am completely over it. JJ was definitely terrifying enough." Simon reassured me and I laughed again.

However, I suddenly felt a hand grab me by the waist and pull me away from Simon. I looked up to see a very angry JJ glaring at Simon.

"What do you think you're doing? Trying to flirt with my girl." Everyone had stopped talking to listen to our conversation and I flushed with embarrassment.

"JJ. You know I'm over that now. Y/N is just a friend -"
Simon stuttered but JJ interrupted him.

"Well it sure didn't look like it!"

"JJ, baby, honestly he was just talking, nothing happened." I tried soothing him and he eventually looked at me, his expression softening.

I dragged him out the room and led him to his bedroom. I glared at him as he sat down, refusing to meet my gaze.

"What on earth was that? Did you really think that after all we had been through, I would seriously leave for you for Simon? Your best friend? Do you really think I would stoop that low?" I was beyond livid and infuriated with JJ and his little trust that he had for me.

"No babe, it's not that. It's just that always at school, Simon would get all the girls. I just was scared that he would take you as well. I love you so much and I don't want you to go."

I stared at my broken boyfriend and I finally saw what he meant. He was scared that he would lose me. I silenced him with a simple yet sweet kiss that sent my butterflies going crazy. I couldn't possibly stay mad at him for long.  He started to kiss back and I was reminded once again why I loved him: because everything he did was filled with one thing.



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