JJ-Match day

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Requested : NiamhAvery
Before this starts I want to say that I know fuck all about boxing so I apologize

It was a Tuesday and I was doing what I would usually do on a Tuesday. Boxing. I wore my usual training clothes and had my hair in a ponytail (if your hair is short just wear it down). I was quite well known in boxing for a woman with many achievements, so it wasn't surprising that when I walked into my usual training facility there were many cheers and claps.

"Ahh (Y/N), you're here" my instructor quickly rushed to my side. She told me all of the things we would be doing today. We quickly got started. Somewhat halfway through my training another round of cheers were heard. Usually I'm the only one getting cheered for so I was curious as to who was here. I pushed through the crowd and in walked a man. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. He seemed a bit cocky though which pissed me off.

I brushed him off and went back to sparring. Of course, it was just my luck that he so happened to be training at the station next to me. I ignored him and carried on with punching the bag, mainly focused on my jab and left hook. My right hand was indeed powerful yet my instructor always advised to keep both at the same level of ability or else my opponent could use it as a weakness against me.

I had stopped to take a short breather, lightly jogging to stay active when the cocky asshat decides to start a conversation with me, "So, what's a pretty lady like you doing in a rough sport like this?" I examined his pasture as he leaned against the wall next to the swinging punching bag. How I would love to push kick that thing right into his smug...

I smirked at the mental image of this mysterious man, wrapped in a ball on the floor. Instead I came out with, "Is that seriously the best you could come up with? If I wanted to, I could smash your face into tiny little pieces. Besides, I'm training for a fight against this guy, Logan Paul, I don't know if you've heard of him."

I watched as his eyebrows shot up in surprise as he commented, "You're (Y/N)? Woah, well this truly is my lucky day. Although six months is a long time away. But plenty of time for me to get to know you."

I just rolled my eyes in response before going back to my practice. Turns out, JJ actually had some good pointers which aided me further. He talked about moving my head so as to make it harder for the other person hit. I took bios advice and actually ended up sparring with him. I seemingly underestimated him for he was good. Almost as good as me. Almost but I liked the challenge.

As a thank you, I agreed to let him take me out for dinner that night. Turns out, I ended up agreeing to a lot more over and over again. I couldn't believe that I was actually beginning to develop feelings for someone after so long. I was starting to enjoy meeting up with him that slowly the months began to roll by, and I was almost certain that I had found my soulmate. His kisses were like no there and I found myself melting into him. I was falling hard and I just didn't know how to stop.


It was finally match day and so far I was cooped up in the changing room watching the other fights, my foot tapping the ground with nerves. I felt a presence behind and turned around to see my beloved boyfriend there to wish me luck. He sat down and took my hand in his, "Hey, you'll be fine. You've worked so hard for this and I know you'll do great. I... I love you."

I smiled at him, blush creeping up my cheeks. It wasn't the first time he had said it to me yet the effect on me was still the same. "I love you too, babe." I looked at the clock and realised that I had 15 minutes to prepare myself. Slowly, I got up and began to put on my gloves and robe. The entrance is almost as important as the actual fight.

I heard the announcer call out Logan's name and heard cheers around the stadium. I let out a deep breath as my name was called and I walked with all the confidence I could muster up to the ring. I climbed in and saw Logan give me an infuriating smirk. I only glared at him before the referee put us into our separate corners. I could feel my heart beat pumping as if it was going to burst out of my chest. As soon as the referee gave the signal, it suddenly all kicked in as I threw my jab right at his face.

The fight had begun.


After six rounds, I was tired out and also battered. He put up a good fight and I was starting to worry about my chances of winning as the ref took my wrist in his arm, Logan on his other side. I closed my eyes and was shaking with the anticipation this could be the most important moment of my career.

Relief flooded through me as I felt my arm lift into the air and Logan's stayed down at his side. I won. I had won against someone who was a much larger build than me. I watched as they attached the belt around my waist and the audience cheered, my name echoing from across the whole stadium. I was the only one in the ring at this point and turned to don't JJ standing their with me. I beamed at him, with pride.

The crowd at hushed at this point as JJ, my boyfriend, slowly got down on one knee. I felt my throat constrict as he fished out a small box from his pocket. I couldn't believe my eyes at the small but beautiful ring that lay inside. "(Y/N), these past six months you have made me the happiest man alive and I want to have that for the rest of my life. Winner or loser, you are still my fighter and I wouldn't have you any other way. I love you to the moon and back. So, my love, will you marry me?"

I could feel the whole room hold the breath, awaiting my answer. Yet I was at a loss for words. After a moment's silence, I managed to choke out a 'yes' as tears of joy started spilling down my cheeks. The audience cheered as JJ slipped the ring on my finger before kissing me like it was the first time.

In that moment, I felt truly happy...

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