Prefrence-your inside joke

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Some of these are personal inside jokes

Simon- JJ's wardrobe
One time when JJ was away, you both snuck into his room and put spiders in his wordrobe. JJ never noticed and ever since you would mention small details and snicker even though nobody else would understand.

JJ:"Look it's a spider"

Y/N:"Must have escaped from the wardrobe"

Simon: *laughs*

JJ- Snail whisperer
You were both texting late at night about some random stuff when he randomly sent you several pictures of snails. You both started saying random things until JJ said "snails come to me and I cum for snails"

(Y/N):"I stepped on a snail, I'm sorry JJ"

JJ:"Nooooo Gary. We shared great memories in the bed"


You, Josh and Vikk were all walking around the city of London. Vikk had a big back pack on which had two pockets either side of it. You and Josh decided to have a competition to see who could get the most leaves in a pocket. You won. Now whenever you would pass a bush or a tree you would say things like "you want some of these leaves" or "Should we pick some up for Vikk?" Everyone including Vikk would get very confused.

Vikk-The depression squad
This wasn't just you and Vikk. It included Lachlan and one of your friends from the Philippines called Jasmine. Basically you had all gone on a trip to Alasca and everything was going wrong, which made you all very sad. You all had a group chat called 'ThE dEpReSsIoN sQaUd' where everyone you felt sad or something bad happened you would joke about it on the chat.

Vikk: I broke my controller

(Y/N): The depression squad is waiting

Simon: what's the depression squad?

You and Tobi were walking home from the field. You dropped your phone and had to pick it up leaving you a couple steps behind him. You decided it would be funny to scare him so you ran up behind him but because the grass was slippy you fell. You were planning to screen the Roblox death noise to scare him but instead it just sounded like you died in the game.

Tobi:*to the camera* today me and (Y/N) re going to scare JJ and (Y/N)'s probably going to mess up and shout Oof

(Y/N): shut up

Harry: The note book (not the movie)
You two were out for lunch at a coffee shop with Harry and one of your ex-friends who was currently pissed at Harry for no reason. She kept secretly writing in her notebook about him and giving home evil glares.

Harry: *On a game with Ethan*"ETHAN STOP PISSING ME OFF"

(Y/N): why don't you come to lunch with me and Ethan and ignore us why you write in a notebook about him.

Harry: innit

Ethan: I'm confused

Ethan: waves (this hand movement)

You were both in year 8 and were talking randomly with your friends

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You were both in year 8 and were talking randomly with your friends. Somehow you two ended up saying how it's like a penis going up and down.

JJ: *does that motion in the car* hey guys look what I'm doing

Ethan and (Y/N): *bursts into fits of laughter*

Tobi: why are they laughing?

Hope you liked these preferences.
All of them except the first one are ones that me and my friends have. Some of them are tampered with but you get the idea.
-Molls xxxxxxxx

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