JJ-he left me

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Today me and my boyfriend JJ Had made plans to go out to a shopping centre with the rest of the sidemen. We were going to the centre Mk because it is wonderful at Christmas time so it should be all year round. Probably not but wishful thinking anyways.

We were all currently in the car with Simon driving, Tobi in the front seat, Josh and Harry were either side of Vick in the middle row of seats then it was me and JJ in the foldy chairs in the back and Ethan was forced to sit in the boot. (the trunk or whatever y'all wanna call it.)

We were all jamming out to (favourite song) and Simon nearly crashed the car. Me not careing about my life I just burst out into laughter.


We had arrived at Milton Keynes and it was now 10:28 in the morning.

"What shop should we go to first?" Vick asked the group.Everyone replied with JD sports so that was the first place we went. I got myself a black Adidas crop top and some black and chrome superstars to go with it.

After this shop we walked around abit until we came across a shop called 'Hawking's bizarre'. We went in and found a bunch of random stuff to use in vids including a remote control helicopter, a Chinese finger trap, some inappropriate sweets and me and Simon secretly bought a box of pranks to use on the rest of the boys when we get home.

As we were leaving the shop , 7 fan girls all bombarded us asking for selfless and autographs. None of them wanted anything from me so I just took a couple steps back and watched. At this point all 6 of the boys are single and Jj was with me.

They all started talking and getting on well. I'm not going to lie, i was sorta jealous of how that girl was flirting with my boyfriend, but I wasn't going to make a scene.

"Do you girls want to come for lunch with us?" Simon asked everyone.

"Yes that sounds good." The girl with Simon responded.

"Should we go to burger king?" Suggested Ethan only to get shut down by the girl with JJ.

"No -eww- we should go to costa ,it's not as fattening" nobody said anything but the girl with Ethan put her arm around his shoulder to reassure him that it was ok. everyone just accepted what the girl talking to Jide said and just headed towards costa.

"So what's your name?" JJ asked the girl .

"(Insert mean girls name)"she replied with. They had no idea I was listening. After awhile I found out (over heard) - (fine eavesdropped) all the girls names:

BTW if any of these names are yours just change them
Jide- (mean girl name)
Tobi- Brooke
Harry- Bronwyn

~le time skip~

We were all currently at costa and the boys had gone to get the food whilst all the girls sat around one table. Now and again they would 1)look at me 2)whisper to one another 3)giggle hysterically. I just scrolled through social media and tried to forget about them.

The boys came back with the food but not giving any to me as I had decided to eat nothing. Normally when I did this they would tell me 'I'm not fat' and that 'I have to eat', but not this time , no , they ignored me like they have bean doing the entire morning.

I decided I had have enough of it. I stood up and walked straight out the door of the shop. All of the walls were made of glass so when I shut the door I turned around to see there reactions ,but they had none. They had completely forgot about me. I took a shaky breath in and walked away with tears receding in my eyes.

I walked to the closest bathroom and washed my face in the sink. I had no makeup on like all of the other girls. God dammit ,no wonder JJ forgot about me to be with all of the pretty girls.

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