Tobi - One Year Anniversary

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This was it. The day has finally come. My boyfriend Tobi and I had been together for one year. I was going out to dinner with him later, alone and then we would head back to the Sidemen house for a bit of fun. If you get what I mean. It's not like we haven't done it before.

I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, questioning whether or not I should wear the red lipstick or the pink lip gloss. I wanted this night to be so perfect and special that I couldn't help but overthink it. I mean, what if he decides that I'm not good enough for him? Lately, I've noticed that a lot of girls are starting to take notice of my boyfriend and it winds me up. Yet he reassured me that I was only his.

It was at these times where I wished I wasn't the only girl who lived here. Don't get me wrong, I love the Sidemen yet I just need some friendly advice from a fellow girl. I eventually went with no make up as I just couldn't decide on what I wanted. I knew Tobi liked that look on me, he said that my natural beauty was what won him over in the first place.  There was only one issue that I had with tonight: Clarissa. Clarissa was the manager of the restaurant and a good friend of Tobi's. The only issue was that she totally had the hots for him. She would constantly flirt with him and show a lot more cleavage then she would with most of her customers. Tobi would always deny it and say that it was nothing when I knew it was definitely something. I just hoped that she didn't ruin tonight for us...


I eventually arrived at the restaurant to find my boyfriend, Tobi standing outside waiting for me in a handsome, velvet suit that I had picked out for him a while back. He turned his gaze to me and I giggled at how his mouth hung open in complete and utter awe.

"Babe, you look stunning" He sighed and that just made me blush even more. Glad to see that the effort I put was enough to have my boyfriend weak at the knees.

"Tobi! Glad to see you could make it!" Clarissa shouted interrupting the moment my boyfriend and I were sharing. "I made sure that everything was perfect for you. It's also the end of the day for me so I decided to dine with you guys."

Oh no she didn't. I am sure that she was aware that it was mine and Tobi's first anniversary as a couple and she just had to come along and ruin it. I looked at Tobi with pleading eyes, begging him to do something. He sighed and turned to Clarissa,

"Thank you for that Clarissa but me and Y/N were hoping for a quiet night in tonight with just the two of us."

Clarissa's face visible fell and I could tell that she want used to getting rejected. Well, sorry but this boy is taken. I smile smugly at her and she just scowls at me with her back facing Tobi so she can't see.

"Well then, I guess I'll just be your server for tonight. It's the least I could do for such a good friend like Tobi." Clarissa gushed and once again that cold feeling I felt in my stomach returned. Why couldn't she just get the message?

Before either of us could argue, Clarissa practically dragged my boyfriend into the restaurant, leaving me to follow dejectedly behind. Once we were sat down and Clarissa had taken our order, Tobi spoke to me under his breath,

"Hey, I know this isn't exactly what we had planned but let's just enjoy as much as we can. I love you so much and I really want this dinner to go well for us." I smiled at his reassuring words and felt as though maybe I could enjoy our meal.

Overall, the evening was a success and I managed to ignore Clarissa's feeble attempts at flirting. Tobi and I were really enjoying ourselves and I felt as though I never wanted it to end. However, it was coming up to dessert when Clarissa comes over to our table.

"So have you heard how I'm engaged?" She asked, shoving her diamond ring into my boyfriend's face. I roll my eyes at her and carry on with my food. I know that's she just trying to make Tobi jealous yet it's not going to work. My boyfriend is clearly not interested and plus, who would want to marry that snob anyway?

"Congrats 'Rissa. Who's the guy? Is he someone I know?" Tobi asks and I am frustrated at the fact that he seems to be actually interested in who this girl's fiancée is. Why can't he pay attention to me? This is supposed to be our special night!

"Oh you don't know him. He's tall, handsome and incredibly intelligent. He sorta reminds me of you, Tee."  She teases and I once again roll my eyes. The desperation levels are slowly increasing. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head an I finally know how I can get Clarissa out of my hair.

I walk up over to my boyfriend who stared at me with a questioning gaze. Before he can say another word, I smash my lips onto his, which he responds to immediately. We begin to deepen the kiss and I've forgotten all about Clarissa. It was just me and him against the world.

When we eventually break from the kiss, I notice that Clarissa seems to have completely disappeared off the radar and I smile inwardly. I look down on my boyfriend who smiles up at me,

"Happy One Year Anniversary, baby!"

-Molly xx

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