Ethan - Classmate

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I sat behind my crush in Maths in every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I never actually speak to him it's just more or less staring at the back of his head in awe. His name is Ethan or more commonly referred to by his friends as Behzinga. It used to be that every year I would crush in one of the Sidemen, the most popular group of friends in our school.

First, it was Simon who I stalked in social media and followed him home after school in a completely unstalkerish way. Then, it was Tobi, JJ and you get the idea. Yet there was something about Ethan that I felt was different to all my past crushes. He made me feel so happy inside even though he didn't know who I was at all. I was just the girl who sat behind him in Maths.

"Hey Y/N.." I snapped out of my daydream and looked at the boy in front of me. He knew my name!

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, trying to act nonchalant when on the inside I was freaking out.

"I just wondered whether you wanted to hang out with me and the boys today?" My jaw physically dropped at his offer and I felt an all manner of things at once. I knew that I didn't have many friends who sat with me at lunch yet I didn't think anyone cared enough.

"Yeah sure why not?" I say, cringing at the amount of excitement in my voice.

"Oh cool. Simon will be over the moon. He kinda has a crush on you but don't tell him I told you that. I'm only looking out for my friend."

My heart sunk at his words. He was only doing it because he was doing a Simon a favour. How could I be so stupid to think that he would actually want me to hang out with him?

He turned back around and I just sulked for the rest of the lesson. I mean, sure, it was nice to have one of the Sidemen crush on me but why couldn't it be the one I actually wanted?

When the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson, I got up and put my things away before following Ethan out of the classroom and into the canteen. We had a nice friendly conversation whilst in the queue and I was surprised about how much we had in common. It was like all the planets in the solar system were aligned. It was a miracle.

As we made our way over to the Sidemen table, that was when my heart started to beat a little faster. I was about to sit at the popular table where I would make new friends and no longer be a loner at school.

As I sat down my eyes were focused on Simon and a questioning look covered my face. It was obvious that he was flirting with the girl who sat on the table behind him. I could recognise the sparks in his eyes when he talked to her. That's funny. If he had a crush on me, surely he wouldn't be chatting up other girls.

Simon eventually turned around and acknowledged my presence before widening his eyes as if he only just realised something. This made me even more suspicious until he actually spoke to me,

"Oh, hi, you must be Y/N, I'm Simon."

Now, I was seriously starting to have doubts. Was that s just some sick joke that the Sidemen were playing on me? They are notorious for having a good laugh everyone so often by messing about with the nerds. I looked over at Ethan nervously yet his eyes were looking at anywhere but me.

"So Simon are you interested in anyone lately?" I asked, faking curiosity and he immediately blushed before glancing at the girl behind him who he had been talking to earlier.

"Well, yeah but she would never accept me. I'm nothing compared to her boyfriend." He said the last with malice and I knew for a fact that he want talking about me. I did not have a boyfriend and haven't one ever. I had obviously been tricked into sitting here and I did not appreciate it.

"Who's her boyfriend?" I asked and he pointed to the guy a few seats away. Jamie Harrison. I sighed as I remember the time I saw him by the lockers kissing another girl, tongues and all. And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't Simon's dream girl. I smiled at him reassuringly before turning to Ethan and asking,

"Can I talk to you in private please?" He simply nodded before following me out of the canteen and into the hallway.

"What kind of joke do you think your playing at? Simeon's interests are obviously not on me and I would like to know why you put me up to this?"'I asked, feeling stupid for actually believing that Ethan liked me. It was probably just some stupid prank that I had fallen for.

"It's hard to explain Y/N. I'm one of the most popular guys in school and I had to try to get your attention. The only way I thought you would notice me I if I made up a stupid story about Simon..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All this time I thought that this boy didn't even know I existed when in reality he thought I didn't know that he existed.

"So what you're trying to say to me is that you have a crush on me when I've had a crush on you for nearly a year now and still hadn't found the courage to even talk to you?" I asked and he just gaped at me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Ethan had wrapped an arm around my waist and gently placed his lips on mine. I kissed back with the same amount of energy and my insides were fire.

We broke apart slowly and I stared at him with big round eyes. He just chuckled and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Shall we go back to the canteen now?" He whispered and I nodded silently. Just as we were walking back to the Sidemen table, an idea suddenly popped into my head.

I went over to the table behind the one in which Ethan sat and made my way to the girl who Simon kept staring at with such affectionate eyes. I whispered into her ear and her attention turned to her boyfriend. She gasped when she saw her boyfriend with his arm around another girl's shoulders subtly kissing her on the head.

I then turned her attention to the boy behind her and I may or may not have revealed some classified information. The girl smiled before tapping Simon and the shoulder and soon enough they were deep into conversation. I looked over at Jamie to see him staring enviously at the two and I smiled.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I went back over to sit next to Ethan and he whispered in my ear,

"You're amazing babe."

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