Josh-stupid, wonderful thing called love

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Inspired by:
Detroit: become human


Josh was an Android. A robot created by cyberlife. He did as told. (Y/N) worked in the police force. Investigation pacifically. Her job was to Track down deviants. Androids who had developed human emotions and wanted freedom, sometimes undertaking violent acts. Of corse (Y/N) wasn't an Android. She was human. With human emotions, which sometimes get in the way of things.

The two had developed a close bond as co-workers. Nothing more as Josh was unable to develop such feelings. Another member of the squad, Hank, was also admin in these missions. An older more wizened member of the trio. Although he had been through some troubled times, he still remained on the force.

It was Josh's current task to kill a deviant that had run away from a health facility. He had done no harm to anyone nor had he caused any disruption. The deviant had been spotted in an abandoned flat. On a near by rooftop, josh sat, unnoticed with a sniper, aiming for the sleeping androids head. (Y/N) and Hank were in a car not that far away. The night snow slowly fluttering down onto the windshield. A riot was being held not too far away wanting androids to be demolished. They both disagreed with the idea of shooting this deviant as it had done nothing wrong. They thought it'd be best to just let it free and say they lost it. Easy enough for two humans with emotions. However Josh was programmed to obey orders by Cybrelife and the government.

"I can't do this" (Y/N) states, getting out of the car. The crisp night air hit her face. She shut the car door and pulled up her hood for some source of heat. She quickly walked to the entrance to the flats. Hanks calls for her to return became distant as she made her way through the doors. It took 16 flights of stairs in order to reach the rooftop. Once she had gotten there, she swung the metal door open. "Josh stop" she said.

"Not now (Y/N)" came his reply. "I'm busy" she let the door shut.

"No, haven't you ever felt something? Ever wanted to just escape the constant demands? Josh there is a whole other life to live beyond your programming. You can feel things. Physical things like snow and nature. Emotional things like love, freedom and enjoyment. Don't you want to be free? To love?" She advanced on him standing behind her now. It wasn't unusual for (Y/N) to show her affections.

"Your distracting, do your job and fuck. Off." He spat, trying to focus. She grabbed his shoulder. He stood up, and turned violently, grabbing her wrist in a sharp embrace. "I'm doing my mission and your a distraction."

"But-" she was cut off when he aimed the gun at her head.

"Now I don't want to hurt you but if it will help me complete my mission I won't hesitate to do so" fresh tears ran down her face. She was petrified. This is not the Josh she had grown to like over the past few weeks. Maybe she mistook him. She thought she had seen signs of deviance in him. When he saved Hank from falling off the roof and when he chose to let the two divisants at the Eden club go.

"Josh this isn't you. Your more than this. I'm telling you, you shouldn't do this. Not just for you but for those who love you. For those who care. Come home Josh." He lowered the gun but didn't move away.

"Cyberlife is my home"

"No it's not. they treat you like shit. Like your nothing but a piece of plastic that they can order to do whatever they want you to do."

"That is what I am a machine. I know you like me..., Maybe even love me but I'm incapable of that. I can't be whatever you want me to be. Not your boyfriend or partner. Your going to want a new android for that." His words tore her apart from the inside. Like several stabs to the heart.

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