Tobi - midnight chat.

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Prompt: "what would you do if I were Satan?" "Worship you."


It was the early hours of the morning and I couldn't sleep. I turned to my side to see if my boyfriend Tobi was awake. "Hey Tobi." I said poking him in the sides "you up?" I questioned.he groaned and turned to face me.

"I am now. What's up?" He asked with his eyes still shut and a groggily voice.

"I'm just bored and wanted to talk." I explained.

"About what?"

"Anything. Like I don't understand certain things about life like, what are a snails purpose.? Like how do they help the eco system and where are they going? You always see them traveling somewhere but where do they go? Do you think they know where they are going? And where do they go in the winter? It's like they just completely vanish off the face of the earth for a short period of time." Tobi huffed.

"If I'm being completely honest o don't really know. I feel as though you've made me question things alot more. Like our skeleton isn't actually in us if you think about it. If we're the brain then we're inside the skeleton. Right?"

"Smart thinking and why do we call it 'hair' when we have lots of it but when we have few it's referred to as 'hairs'"

"And the sentence 'do not touch must be really scared if you read it in brail."

"If you walk into somebody's bathroom and see anti-dandruff shampoo you could assume that the person has dandruff but you could also assume that they don't have dandruff."

"Another question, if one person is born in England and another person is born in Australia at the exact same time, does that mean they are the same age or is the person in Australia a day older?"

"Huh, I never thought about that."

As time went on we started getting less tired. We got snacks, drinks and put some stupid show on the TV as background noise. Aswell as this, the convosations also got a lot stranger.

"Do you reckon I could eat ten apples within the space of ten minutes?" Tobi asked.

"I honestly don't know. What would you do if I were God?"

"Probably ask you to let me come to heaven early."

"And what would you do if I were Satan?"

"Worship you"

"Nice. I'm Satan."

"O dear powerful underlord, I beg that I can join you in your quest to bring hell upon this earth."

"Permission granted." Tobi pretend knighted me before we fell back under the covers still giggling. He pulled me close and kissed me. "I love you"

"I love you too" I kissed him again before laying my head on his chest. We continued to watch random stuff on TV until we fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed. I know the last few have been kind of short but now that I have finished the prompts (for now) they should get longer.
-Molls xxx

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