Yes, agent - simon (part 2)

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Simon's pov

I was awoken suddenly by a loud, annoying siren sounding throughout the room. I sat up and panicked, as I couldn't figure out my surroundings or where exactly I was. Before I could think of what to do, (Y/N) burst through the door and dragged me out if the room. i could faintly hear gun shots and shouts from people over the constant beeping in my ears. (Y/N) made a rush for the stairs but sore 3 men who weren't in this organisations uniform rushing up them. She grabbed her gun from its holster and quickly took them all out. She continued her journey, whilst I nearly fell on top of her due to her yanking my arm. As soon as we got to the bottom, she hid behind a pillar and killed another four people before running out of the back door with me trailing behind. as soon as we got outside, I was shoved into the back seat of the Jeep. (Y/N) cralled into the back with me and tolled the driver to go. I could here the bullets bouncing off of the vehicle. I'm guessing it was bulletproof as not one crack was visible on the screens.

(Y/N) opened a compartment in the back of one of the chairs and took out a laptop. She typed really fast. "Where to agent (L/N)?" The driver asked.

"The HQ's airport." She responded going back to her laptop.

"W-what happened?" I asked, still in shock and slightly sleepy. She glanced at me quickly before averting her eyes back to the screen in front of her.

"We were under attack by PAS. They wanted you so I had to get you out as quickly as possible. You aren't hurt are you?" She asked. For something so considerate she made it look like she didn't care her voice and face shared no expression.

"Umm, no"



(Y/N) has seemed off the whole car ride. She didn't seem happy, nor sad. I don't know. Kinda soleless I guess. She assisted me onto the helicopter.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Sweden" she answered bluntly going on her phone and started watching something. I couldn't quite see what it was.

"What are you watching?" I questioned again, curious.

"None of your business" wow. Okay she was getting rude now. I brushed it off thinking she was just under stress.

"Why swed-" she cut me off before I could finish.

"Why so many questions?" She mimicked, agitated. I mumbled a quick, sarcastic 'sorry'. Jees I thought she was nice.

I'll let it slide seen as though she is clearly under a lot of pressure.


We landed in Sweden at an airports helepad. Once we got out, we got straight into another black car, driven by a Swedish man.

He asked (Y/N) something I was unsure of as it was in a different language, probably Swedish. Surprisingly she answered straight away. She seemed fluent. I wonder how someone can be so good at combat, good lookin- yes I have to admit she is quite pretty- and speak another language fluently. I thought I could read people pretty well but clearly there is alot I still don't know about (Y/N).

In the car journey, she was still watching the same thing, I tried looking over her shoulder but she angled it away from my vision. "British HQ if your wondering. The cameras at the base. I was checking everything was going ok." She explained, finally answering my previous question. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it.

"It's too gory." She answered my question without me even having to ask it.

"How did you know I was going to ask that?" I questioned, in shock.

"Your easy to read" she stated. I was still confused.

"But-" I was cut off by the vehicle suddenly breaking. I looked out of the tinted windows and saw we were in an Ikea 4 story parking lot, parked next to alot of other Jeeps just like this one.

"Where are we?" I questioned in awe.

"Swedish HQ. It's the safest place for you at the minute." I was once again going to ask a question but was cut off before asking it. "It looks like IKEA from the outside to avoid suspicion. It makes our job a hell of alot easier." I nodded and followed her out of the car. As soon as we got in a man ran up to (Y/N).

"Is everything alright?" He asked in a heavy Swedish accent. He seemed worried.

"Yes we're fine thank youu Felix." she replied. He walked her to what I'm guessing to be the main office. When we were there, we both sat in chairs opposite an old guy. He smiled at (Y/N) he then turned to me and put his hand out for me to shake. He said something in Swedish u was unsure of.

"Hello, Simon, I'm the director of the HQ in Sweden. I hope you make yourself at home here as you'll be staying for a while." (Y/N) translated.

"Thank you." I nodded and looked down. They started having a conversation in Swedish. Before I knew it, she stood up and I followed, alongside the director. They both walked down many hall ways as i just followed behind. We got to a room at the end of a corridor and the Director opened it with a key card.

"This will be your room for the next however many days." She stated. God it was huge. A king sized bed with a massive wardrobe and an ensuite. "Beautiful isn't it" she commented, gazing around the room. I sat down on the bed, the man left. I held my head in my hands, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

"Hey what's wrong?" (Y/N) sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"It's just... My life changed so quickly, one minute I'm at home with my friends, next minute I'm in Sweden with a bodygaurd with people wanting to kill me." I explained. She nodded in agreement. "I just need a bit more explanation." I stated staring her in the eyes. She sighed.

"Theres not much I can tell you but..." She trailed off. "I can tell you they the reason we had to immediately leave was because of the attack by enemy agents and when you were asking me what I was watching, to answer your question, i was checking up on England's HQ. Things didn't go so well. Enemy's didn't manage to retrieve any information or harm you but they did manage to blow up our whole HQ so all of my co-workers who worked there are dead. Well of what I'm aware of." She didn't seem too distraught. That concerns me. How does she fee no remorse after her friends, assuming, all died?

"You've had a long day Si, so I think you should get some rest. I'll wake you up in the morning. There are pijamas in the wardrobe alongside clean close. Theres also a towel in the bathroom in case you wanted to take a shower." She described. She gave me a small hug before using a key card to get out.

How was this? I hope you like it.
-Mols xxxxxx

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