Vikk-taken pt.2

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Requested: Galistix

It's been 2 years since i last saw Vik. I'd be lying not to say that I've missed him. In a way, I'm not mad about what happened. If I hadn't got the courage to ask him out then there was no point waiting around for him to ask me. Either grow up and ask him myself or leave. At least now I have more time to focus on my work and have time for myself.


I woke up early today. My alarm clock hadn't reached 7:00 yet therefore I wasn't rudely interrupted by loud irritating beeping today. I got up, stretching before walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I hopped into the shower. Mid way through I heard the doorbell ring I quickly jumped out, dried myself a little and rapped the towel around me. I went up to the front door, leaving a trail of water behind me. I opened it and at the other end was a postman wearing a high Vis jacket and had a pile of letters in his hand.

"Miss.(Y/L/N)?" He asked holding a letter and pascel addressed to me. I nodded and took the items from his hand. "Sign here" he said handing me a machine with an electronic pen. I followed his commands, and handed it back. "Thank you, have a nice day now mam" he replied.

"You too." I responded as he walked down the corridor to the next flat, I shut the door and placed the package on the kitchen table before heading back to the bathroom.

Afterward, I got changed, packed my bag and headed off to work. I design clothes for a company called 'something big'. Most days I can just stay home and hand my work in digitally however today I felt like going to the offices to discuss with my boss, and my team about the new request that came in. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, locking it before leaving. I got a taxi to work.


By the time I got in, it was already 9:45. The day was long and tiring and filled with paperwork. I opened the door and dropped my bag by my feet, going to the kitchen to make some instant noodles for dinner. While I was busy waiting for them to boil, I caught a glimpse of the package I had received this morning. I was curious as to what was in it so decided to go and open it. I stepped closer but before I could touch it, my timer went off signalling the noodles were ready. I went to see to my dinner and forgot about the mail.

When I had finished, it was twenty passed ten. I put my bowl in the sink. I headed to my room to get ready for bed. I took my makeup off and got dressed into a long, oversized shirt. I climbed into bed after turning the lights off. I lay there in thought for a bit before I realise I hadn't opened my gift yet. I was going to leave it 'till the morning but curiosity got the better of me. I clambered out of bed and padded my way to the kitchen. I quickly went to the envelope. I tore it open and red the letter.

You may not remember who I am, I'm an old friend. We used to hang out all the time...until you left, until you left me. I find it hard to get over that.
It's been 2 years since we last communicated. Truth is, I really miss you. Don't ask how I found your address and don't think this is creepy.
There is a gift In the box for you
...I hope you like it...
If not, there is a return address written at the top of the letter.
It would mean the world to me if you were to reply, but don't feel you have to.

-love yours truly

I was confused yet something about the address I recognized. I slowly tore open the package and inside was a book and a necklace. I took out the book first. It was a brown leather book and the spine was broken indicating that it had been used regularly for however how long. I slowly flipped the cover to the first page. I gasped in shock at the sight Infront of me. It seems the sender had put together a scrap book of pictures of me. In all the pictures I was looking away, I must have not realized that someone was aiming a camera at me.

I was slightly concerned to say the least that this anonymous person knew so much about me however my thoughts were pushed aside once I took ahold of the necklace. It was the familiar gold heart that I wore almost everyday for the majority of my life. I flipped to the other side and traced the fine imprint on the back. Vikk and (Y/N) forever. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Had it really been two years. The pain was felt so fresh. I quickly turned to the letter again 'i really miss you' the return address was obvious now. "Vikk"

His name rolled off of my tongue so smoothly. I had to see him. I deleted his number a while ago. the only thing I have left is his return address. I took the letter and rushed to my desk, switching on the old Pixar lamp that's was positioned perfectly on the top. I didn't care what time it was. I grabbed a glitter black help pen and my notebook and started writing. Hey Vikk, long time no see...

Vikks pov

I was washing the dishes from lunch when Simon came in with the mail. "This one's for you" he said, placing the note on the counter top. I dried my hands on the tea towel and looked at the envelope. It was the same handwriting that I had become accustomed to over the years. The return address matched up as well.

"Thanks " I replied quickly rushing upstairs leaving the dishes half finished which confused Simon. Once I reached my room, I lobbed myself on the bed and tore open the letter, starting to read it.

She was telling me about why she moved and that she is sorry for any emotional pain she may have put me through. She said she loved me and I think i love her back. I knew there was a way to fix this so I made the decision to see her. I went to my computer and booked a plane ticket for the next day. I then packed my bags and told the boys. They were all very shocked at my sudden decision but didn't question it. With that done I knew I had my work cut out to film multiple videos to upload while I was away and to think of what is was going to say to her when I finally arrive.

Back to (Y/N) 's pov

It was Friday and I was busy with paperwork for work. I had already finished half however there was still a big pile for me to sort through. There was a knock at the door, interrupting me mid sentence. "Gimme a second" I called finishing my writing but another impatient knock sounded throughout the flat. "Alright alright I'm coming." I mummbeled under my breath. I hurried to the door and unlocked it. I was met with a boy about to knock again. Vikk. My breath hitch, I was speach-less. He let out a breath.

"Hi (Y/N)" i waved slightly and stepped aside to let him in. I hadn't noticed at first but I saw a bouquet of a dozen roses in his right hand. We stared at eachother in silence, shocked at eachother a presence after 2 years. He seemed as though he was in thought, having am argument in his mind about something. Before I knew it he had closed the short distance between us with a quick peck. My eyes widened in shock, not being able to comprehend what had just happened. A faint blush dusted across my cheeks. He pulled away and looked at my reaction, realising it wasn't negative, and leaned in again. This time, however, he prolonged the kiss, making it set fireworks of in my stomach. When he pulled away again he offered my the flowers whilst scratching the back of his neck. "So uuhhh long time no see" I giggled and hugged him, inhaling his scent. He hugged me back. It felt good to be in his arms after so long.


The ending of this is really sloppy so I apologize. Hope you like it,
-Molls xx

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