Whats for dinner-Simon(short)🎄

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I was busy preparing dinner for myself. It was a lonely christmas eve night and I would be spending the next day lonely aswell. I was chopping carrots when I heard the hinge of my garden gate open. Must be the wind I said to myself not giving it another thought. It was only when the handle to the door which led to the garden start to turn as well. The door quickly opened and behind it stood a tall, lanky man wearing all black. I grabbed the knife I was cutting with and slowly edged to the back corner of the kitchen. The man stepped in and quietly shut the door behind himself. "Don't come any closer" my voice was shacking as well as my body from fear. The man chuckled faintly. "What are you cooking for dinner my love?" He asked taking off his beenie and gloves. "What?" I asked breathlessly, still clutching the knife. He turned to me and stepped slightly closer. "What. Are. You. Cooking. For. Dinner. My. Love?" He asked again, pausing between each word. I could get a better look of his face now. He had dirty blond hair that had been spiked upwards. His eyes were a deep blue. He had a wide toothy smile which spread from ear to ear. I didn't respond to his question, instead I backed further into the corner and pulled the knife higher. "Don't worry love, there's nothing to be afraid of, just put the knife down and continue with the cooking." He sat down on one of the chairs at the table. "I-i-i don't know wh-who you are." He looked at me and smiled. "I'm Simon, love" he held out his hand for me to shake it and obviously I declined not speaking to him and instead staring at him with the same fearful eyes. "You're just going to leave me hanging then?" There was a brief moment of silence " well alright love." He placed his hand down calmly on the table. Again, silence engulfed the house. We were just staring at eahother for around a minute before I spoke. "Why are you here?" He looked down for a second before reconnecting eye contact. "Do I need an excuse to be here? I just love you (Y/N). I have loved you for months." "Wh-wh-what do you mean you've loved me for months?" He sucked in a breath. " 'kay so you know how you work in a cafe, as a waitress." I nodded, " well around 5 months ago you served me. I was really upset because my girlfriend..." He paused before saying the word girlfriend, " cheated on me. Don't feel sad though, she got what she deserved. Anyways you served me and I was really 'upset' but as soon as I saw you with that bright smile on your face, I knew you were special my love. So, I did what any rational person who is madly in love with someone would do. I followed and watched everything you did. I just don't want you getting hurt or falling for anyone else my love." My breath hitched. I felt a lump in my throat making it hard for me to speak. "Get out." I said quietly. An unrecognisable emotion hit his face. He slowly came closer. "Don't come any closer or I'll..." I quickly scanned the room and made a dash for my phone, stupidly dropping the knife in a hurry. He lept towards me and held me with my hands behind my back so I couldn't move. "And why would you do that love?" "Stop, stop just STOP FUCKING CALLING ME LOVE! LEAVE ME ALONE." After that the only sound was my heavy breathing and slight sniffles. It took him a couple of seconds before he turned and quickly shoved me against a wall and pinned me there. One of his hands held my wrists above my head and the other held my waist. For someone so lanky he surprisingly had a lot of strength. He placed his head in the crook of my neck, his hot breathe sending shivers up and down my spine in fear and something else? His nose nusled against my skin, smelling my perfume. I could feel him grin as he whispered in my ear " now listen here love. You're going to carry on making dinner for the two of us, then we will eat it and go to bed together as a couple. We will wake up tomorrow morning and open the presents I got for you, don't feel bad about not getting me presents, you can make up for it in a different way. You will learn to love me whether you like it or not. And if I find out that you tried to pull anything" he paused, pulling up his top to reveal several knives and sharp objects being held by his waist band. "Then you will regret it, just like my ex-girlfriend. You got that love?" I was parilized with fear and was unable to do anything. It seamed I only had one option. "Yes..." "Simon, but you can call my baby, love" "yes baby" "good girl." He started placing gentle pecks on my neck and humming In satisfaction. "Now, run along i'm starving."


Oof not very Christmassy and also short and crap. Sorry but i felt the need to update. Love you all and I hope you all have a great Christmas, lots of love,
-Molly xxx (:

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