Yes, agent - Simon

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"miss (L/N) to Mr.Wentz's office" the secretary called through the room before turning on her heals and returning to her desk downstairs.

A number of ooh's sounded throughout the room "yo what you do?" Called Patrick, one of my co-workers. I shrugged I'm response and headed to his office.

When I approached the big wooden door, a sense of panic and anxiousness arose. I knocked three times on the door before a muffled 'come in' was heard from the other side of the wall.

I shut the door behind me. "Take a seat." He spoke and pointed to the seat on the other side of the desk. I made my way to the seat and sat down with my hands in my lap.

"You know your one of my best agents don't you miss. (L/N)." I nodded in response "and I can trust you with anything. Your one of my top agents, infact, the best agent I've ever had. Your speed, reflexes, agility and problem solving is astounding. And that's exactly why I'm giving you one of the biggest assignments we have ever had." He got up and headed to his painting of Queen Elizabeth. He flipped the painting on the wall to reveal a bulletin bored with a picture of a blond haired guy with the name 'Simon Minter' written on the top of it. "Simon Minter is very valuable to us. A week and a half ago, Agent Ross was killed in a fight against enemy agents known as 'PAS'. The Post Apocalyptic Saviors. Agent Ross had found out important clues about 'PAS' and how to defeat them. Unfortunately he didn't make it out alive. Our only survivor was sir Simon Minter and we believe that he is our only hope of getting more knowledge of 'PAS'. Obviously 'PAS' is going to be out to kill him so you are going to be his bodyguard and make sure he doesn't come into harms way." He passed me a thicc folder filled with all of the information about this assignment.

I stood up and tucked my chair in. " I promise I won't let you down sir. They'll have to kill me before they get him"

"Good to know agent. You are dismissed." I turned and walked out of the room and back to my desk. I started analysing his file. He seemed cool, famous on YouTube, big house, friends, pretty girlfriend. His life seamed nice.

"(Y/N) we are leaving in five minutes to pick up Simon" the director explained before heading downstairs and out of the building to the car waiting outside. I grabbed my case file, my gun, and laptop before heading outside too.


"So my life is at risk?" Asked Simon with panic evident in his voice.

"Correct sir but we have a brilliantly trained Agent that will protect you." The director spoke whilst pointing towards me. "This is agent (L/N), she will be your bodygaurd." I put out my hand for him to shake. He placed his hand into mine and skilled.

"We will take you back to headquarters and let you rest before asking you questions about the bar." Simon nodded before we lead him to the car.


"This is your room" I spoke showing him into his room. Whit walls, white king-sized bead, white closet and no windows.

"What no windows?" He joked, sitting on the bed.

"Trust me, it's frustrating at first but you will get used to it" I reassured. " Are you hungry?" I asked

"Starving actually" he responded.

"I'll show you to the canteen then" he stood up and followed me. when we arrived at the canteen, a delicious smell of (F/F) wafted through the air.

"Mhh that smells good." He spoke, grabbing a plate and heading to where the source was. I grabbed a plate and followed him getting what I wanted. We sat down at a table and started eating.

"So Mr.Minter, your a youtubers huh? What's that like?"

"It's fun, I get paid to play games and have fun with my friends. I mean it gets stressful at times but it's actually pretty awesome compared to other jobs. And by the way, you can call me Simon."


"What's it like being an agent."

"It's alright. It is rarely boring but my life is on the line almost 24/7 so" I explained. When we were both finished we put our plates on the rack and we walked back to his room.

"You get a goods nights rest and tomorrow we will ask you questions about the bar. I'll be in the room next too you so if you need anything I'm right there." I explained.

"Okay thank you Miss.(L/N)"

"Call me (Y/N)"


"So do you remember what happened in the lead up to the fight." Asked the Director.

"Ermm, there was a band, playing on stage, I was staring at my drink when all hell broke loose behind me and the band were fighting with this other person. They had guns and weapons. People were hiding under tables. People tried to escape but all of the doors were locked. I managed to get to the toilet and break one of the windows that were high up. I climbed the on the toilet and out of the window and ran. I contacted the police and went home. I figured it was just a usual drunk fight that got out of hand." Simon explained. Of course Ryan(Agent Ross) never called for back up. He never did. He always thought he could handle it in his own. Unfortunately this time he was wrong and he lost his life because of it.

"Why were you in the bar in the first place?" The director asked. Simon flinched a little and was uneasy.

"Ermm n-no reason." He stuttered. The director and I could both tell that he was lying but didn't feel the need to push him on it.

"Okay, you can go." Spoke the director before typing on his computer. We both got up to leave.

"Oh wait, before you leave, can you remember what band were playing?" Simon thought for a bit.

"Not quite but I remember there were five of them, emo and there lyrics were something like 'im not fine' or 'im not okay'. I don't know, sorry." Simon said.

"It's alright you can go now."


Part 2?
Thanks kyou for reading. Xx

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