Ethan-If it aint btoken p2

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I listened to this thunder and rain the whole time whilst writing this, it really sets the mood


It's been 7 months since me and Ethan started meeting at the park. I've stopped bullying him also but to keep my reputation we always would put on a little act which consisted of me shit talking him then 'beating him up'. We would always laugh about it afterwards. We had a few run-in's with mike every now and again but he always looses so it's fine.

Today was like any other day, me and Ethan were just messing about in the park we usually were in. "It's getting late" Ethan spoke, checking the time on his phone.

"C'mon, it's Friday at least go to the Tesco's extra with me so I can buy like a lion bar or something" Ethan laughed, watching me on the swing.

"Like you actually have any money" I gasped in fake hurt before jumping off the swing and landing in front of him.

"That's why I wanted you to go with me, so you could buy me a lion bar" we both giggled. Before he just agreed. We walked to the closest gass station in silence which is unusual for us as we are usually quite chatty and talkative. There was a certain something that hung in the air, almost like a threat. It was early January so it got dark sooner, even as early as four. It was currently five so the sky was dimmed. Not in a pretty sunset way, more of an ominous sense. It also didn't help that clouds layered the sky casting shadows that covered the ground like a blanket. The sound of distant thunder could be heard, it was surely going to rain soon.

The silence had caused me to drift off into my own little world of daydreams and dark thoughts, about home (If i can even call it that) school, Ethan, Mike. I was so caught up in these thoughts that I hadn't realised that we had arrived at the gas station. We walked inside just in time before the rain started pouring down, that's going to be fun to walk back in.

There was only three people in the shop at moment, me, Ethan, and the woman working at the till, all of us were silent. The only sounds that was audible was the thunder, the taps of the rain hitting the glass, the buzz of the vending machines, the drip of the leaky roof and the sound of the woman chewing her gum. I wandered off into the chocolate bar section whilst Ethan looked at the vending machines of a fizzy drink.

I scanned over each item until I spotted the lion bar. I picked it up and headed to where Ethan was. He pressed a few buttons before getting his wallet from his back pocket. He took out a fiver and handed it to me. "Go buy your chocolate and give me the change." I did what he said, without another word. I place the bar on the counter. The woman looked at me before picking it up and scanning it.

"£1" I handed her the note and waited. She took it from my hands and opened the till, pressing a few buttons before taking out 4 £1 coins and handing them to me before closing the register. I walked back over to Ethan and handed him the change.

"Cheers" he spoke, putting it into the machine. It made a noise before the drink was dropped to the bottom with a bang. I really hate when it does that because it makes the drink go all fizzy. Ethan picked it up and we started heading outside we kept under the small shelter for cover from the rain for a short time while we zipped up and pulled up our hoods in protection of the rain. The wind had also picked up to the extent where I struggled to balance we started walking before I noticed Ethan's presence was quickly, no longer beside me. I turned and saw he had been pulled onto the ground, and was now laying on his back, the sprite he once held in his hand had rolled away. Behind him stood none other than Mike with his two mates behind him.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your time Mike?" I asked, slightly frustrated that of all the times he chose to pick on us was now.

"Nothings better than seeing the miserable look you too fuckers wear on your faces every time you see me." He had an evil grin on his face for a short period of time before it disappeared into that discussing scowl he always wears. Ethan was still on the ground which was probably a good thing as it meant he couldn't really intervene with the situation to make it worse. Wrong.

"Well ye it's been fun, but it's raining and we got shit to do so we'll see you next time, we wouldn't want anyone to miss out in it now would we?" I went to grab Ethan's hand to help him up, but I was interrupted half way through.

"Oh, there won't be a next time." Mike uttered I looked up at him in confusion.

"What?" Before I knew it one of Mikes mate had punched me in the face, knocking me backwards. I tumbled over my own feet causing my back to hit the ground really hard. I groaned and sat up, holding my cheek where I had been punched. It took a second for my vision to go back to normal again before I saw Mikes two friends hold down Ethan while I see Mike pull out a knife from his back pocket. "NO!" I screamed scrambling to get up but it was too late. I watched mike swiftly stab Ethan in the gut three times before him and his followers ran off. I dove to Ethan's side, putting pressure on the wound. "HELP PLEASE SOMEON HELP!" I sobbed. Ethan was quite clearly in pain. I pulled his head up on my lap. "PLEASE HELP" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It didn't go very far as the sound of the weather was far more powerful. I rocked back and forth trying to comfort Ethan and my nerves. I felt Ethan's body muscles loosen slightly

"(Y/N)-" he whispered but I cut him off.

"No" I sobbed making it barely audible. I felt Ethan put his hand to my cheek.

"Thank you." I sobbed again. "You made my life tolerable" the rain and my tears clouded my vision.

"No, shut up it'll be okay. HELP!" I screamed again. Ethan only shook his head slightly, sighing and shutting his eyes. " hey keep your eyes open remember." Our hands trembled. He fluttered them open tiredly.

"I love you" he whispered.

"What?" I felt his body go limp and his eyes fluttered shut. "Ethan?" I whispered and nudged him "Ethan?" I said slightly louder. Still no response "ETHAN!?" I screamed shacking his shoulders vigorously. I sobbed harder and let go. "WHYY!!???!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I held on to him tightly. The blood washed away with the water. I must have stayed like that for a good 15 minutes before a police car pulled up next to the entrance. A man got out and called for 'backup' before trying to pry me off of him.

"Shh it'll be alright now" he spoke only to hear my whale in response. O why did Mike have to exist?

Hope you enjoyed
-Mols x

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