Simon- gang

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I got this idea from another fanfic which is pretty much identical to this so if you've heard it before it's not mine I got it of off a sidemen imagines by.  Geregurtzy so yeah

"Bye Garry, I'm heading off now" I called to my boss, Garry as I took my apron off and placed it on my hook in the back.

"Ok love, I'll see you Monday" he replied with as I exited the small coffee shop and walked along the path.

It was a cold dark night in London, which isn't the best seen as though this is the most common time for the gang to be out.

When I say gang I mean a dangerous group of boys named the sidemen. Although there name is misleading they are one of the most dangerous gang out there.

There is the leader of the gang called Simon who was quite dangerous with tattoos on his neck and lots of piercings, he is by far the most attractively them all.

Then there's Harry and Jj , the two dare devils of the group .Harry was the most dangerous of the two and even has a big scar on his face from one of his previous incidents.

Then there are Vikk and Tobi, the brains of the operation. They had tattoos and piercings here and there but not as many as the others

Then there was josh who was the protective one of the group. He would always be there when they needed him. He had a tattoo sleeve and a piercing on his left eyebrow.

Lastly there was Ethan. He mainly cared for everyone and hated to see them get hurt. He had multiple tattoos and pierced ears, tongue and lip.

I was walking down the street until I heard a shout.

" hey pretty, why don't you come over hear and show us a little something."

" yea sweet cheeks" I was shaking and my knees went week. My body couldn't function so my brain made a quick choice.

To run.

" SHES A RUNNER BOYS" one of them shouted . I kept going until my legs brought me to an alley way. I put my back to the wall in hope they wouldn't see me. I was wrong

" hey gorgeous, why did you leave in such a hurry?" One of them asked . The other two came round the corner and had me cornered with nowhere to go

"Please don't hurt my" I whislered, barely audible.

They were about to speak when. They were cut of by a white heard man with a bat.

"I suggest you do as she says." He said .

"What are you going to do? It's 3 against 1 we would easily win." Stated the leader of the other group.

"I don't think so" said an anonymous voice. then suddenly a man with a blue jumper fell from the sky.

" Yea we would easily win" said another falling boy with a black bandana wrapped around his head.

"I mean your wrong" said a small boy walking from around the corner.

" Yea it's not 3 against 1" said another boy from around the corner

" It's 7 against 3" said a bearded one walking around the corner

" Can't you count? It's 6 against 3 dumbass" exclaimed one of the three men. Even though he was clearly petrified.

"Boo" said a chubby one from behind the three men . They all ran of in a hurry.

"Thankyou" I just about breathed out.

"No problem" said the round-ish one. "I'm Ethan, that's vikk, Tobi, harry, jj, josh and Simon." He said pointing to each one of them. My eyes landed in Simon last and we stayed in eye contact with Simon for the longest amount of time, before looking away and blushing.

"And what's your name?" Asked the one named josh.

"Y/N" I responded with, barely audible.

"Well, Y/N. I think you should be getting home." Said Ethan.

"I'll take her/him" responded Simon, out of nowhere,(stop Molly not another reference) making all the other boys smirk.

"O-ok" I said as all the other boys left, leaving me and Simon to ourselves.

"So, shall we go then" he asked.

" yeah" I responded with.

Walking out of that dark alley made me realise how scary life actually is. I'm thankful that the sidemen helped me. Walking home with Simon felt safe and reassuring. I know I have only just met this boy but I feel like I could trust him with my life.

"So, Y/N, what do you do for a living?" Asked Simon, snatching me from my trans.

" I work in a coffee shop. Sounds as boring as it is but at-least I have nice coworkers and nice customers." I replied with.

"Are you happy?" Simon Asked again.

"Yes" I replied, " are you?" I asked.

"Mostly, but sometimes decides to take a massive dump on you than nothing feels great, ya know?" He said.

"Yeah" I sighed "well this is my flat." I stated staring up at the towering building. Simon turned to me, inches apart.

"Can I have your number, ya know, in case your in danger again?." He Asked.i was taken aback for a moment, staring into his blue orbs.

Just as I was going to respond Simon placed his soft lips firmly against my own. It was magical. After about a minute we both pulled apart for air.

"You never answered my question." Simon recalled.

"Yes" I said grabbing Simons phone out of his hand and typing in my number.

"Ya know, in case I'm in danger and need your help." I said.

"Seems legit" Simon replied with a smirk on his face.i kissed him once more before opening the door to my flat building.

"Don't forget to call me." I said before shutting th door and leaving.


Geregurtzy did so much better than I did on this but o well

Anyways byeeeeee~ Molly xo

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