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This imagine lets you decide who you end up with so...
(-) who you want to end up with
(*) A different member
In this universe they aren't youtubers.

20 hours and 48 minutes prior

(-)'s pov
We had been walking for half an hour in the middle of the night and I was starting to believe this whole thing was a bunch of bull shit (Y/N) had made up to get us here. It was only when we were in an abandoned carpark in the middle of nowhere that I started hearing the sound of heavy bass in the distance. "Believe me now fuckers?" She turned around as she walked backwards staring at the seven of us all following. She had a smirk on her face as she new she was right. It was no doubt that she looked hot tonight. It was easy to see that all of us were falling for her.

It was an almost desert setting and no buildings were seen. She told us that this thing would be outside so I guess that's the reason. 

She carried on walking forward. Now it was clear we were next to the gathering as the music was blaring threw speakers and the loud shouts of people could be heard from over the fence. (Y/N) ducked down and lifted up the hole in the bottom corner allowing more access for her to get through. She then held it from the other to help us one by one get through. As soon as she stood up everyone cheered. The majority of people here were petrifying. They wore cheep, old and practically destroid clothes. Girls were dancing and big men were chugging drinks and smoking cigarettes. As we were walking in somebody chucked a Corona at her and she caught it with ease, opening it quickly with a rock she picked up from the ground. She took a swig and carried on walking.

A boy who had just been making out with a girl aprouched her and grabbed her by the waist. "Long time no see boss"

"Kevin I told you. Not interested." She said poking his nose before pushing him away. He left it after that. Someone offered her a cigarette. She took a hit and handed it back.

This place was like nothing I had ever seen. It was as if we were in a music video. Tires were on fire here and there, people dancing and getting drunk, massive speakers blaring out heavy bass songs, smokers, drug addicts and sex addicts. No doubt this place was illigal. This place was massive. Must be at least 2,000 people here Not sure what I expected, I mean, this is (Y/N) after all.

We walked until we reached the end of the plain. A wrecked car that had been dented severely in several places and had been set on fire probably more than once stood alone. She turned around to us and spoke. "Get behind the car as I speak.stay close together and don't talk to anyone or wander off, got it?" She said in a serious tone. We all nodded in response, to afraid to speak. "Great" she breathed a breath of releaf as she lead us to the back of the car. She looked around. When she had spotted what she was looking for she brought her hand up to her lips and whistled extremely loud. Two muscled, bearded guys aprouched her. They were bald and had tattoos covering their bodies. "Micheal, Steve, this is Simon, JJ, Tobi, Josh, Harry, Ethan an Vikk. Your their bodygaurds for this evening. Don't let them get hurt okay?" She explained.

"You got it cheif." One man said, giving a salute before walking to our left as the other was on our right. (Y/N) then stood on the car and unplugged two wires which caused all of the music to turn off. She then held a mix up to her mouth.

"Right everyone, today marks a special day. Today, as you might of heard on the news, the underground workers went on strike..., Again. Many people rely alot on the tubes. Dirty bastards get paid for sitting on their arse all day and they still aren't satisfied." She scoffed. "We'll change that. I mean I have no reason to help the people using the tube but I do like a good old fashioned riot." Everyone cheered. " Okay so here's the plan. 30 of you go and check out the station, send information back on the current state of things. I need Mathew, Clair, Dan, Sean and Wilow to hack the security cameras that you can, the rest will be destroyed by another 300 of you. Once that's done the rest of you go in and break what you can. Use your spray cans on the walls. Burn shit, don't set the place on fire though. Make sure you leave your mark and show these fuckers who runs this place. Me, Micheal, Steve, Brain, Nate, Leon, Trevor and my mates will watch through the cameras that the group hacked and give you heads up on the situation, make sure nothing goes to shot if you know what im saying. We'll talk threw the speakers. Whatever you do don't go on the track cause knowing you idiots, you'll probably manage a way to get yourself killed. That about covers everything. Can you do that?" She asked with enthusiasm.

"YES BOSS" Everyone screamed back.

"On your marks... Get set... GO!" And with that they all fled. She hopped down from the car and faced us. The four boys she mentioned who would be joining us aprouched us one being incredibly muscular like our body gaurds and the other three being smaller but still strong. Nate, Leon, Trevor get the cars ready." She orderd. She then lead us to the front of this place where three Jeeps pulled up infront of us. Micheal, (*), (*) and (*) get in that one with Leon. Steve, (*), (*) and (*) get in the car with Trevor and me, Brian, (*) and (-) will get in the last one." We did as she told us. Her and Nate being in the front and the rest of us in the back.

We were only in the car for half an hour but it felt like an eternity. I trust (Y/N) but what she has gotten us into is a big risk. When we had arrived at the station there were many barricades that blocked people off from entering as the tubes weren't in use. We were advised to move back as a car was attached by a rope to the wooden plank. We followed instructions and backed up. Without warning the car zoomed forwards making an entrance. Everyone ran in and immediately started wrecking the place. (Y/N) saw that the seven of us were nervous and handed us a spray can each. "Go on boys, do what you want" (*) approached a nearby map and sprayed the word 'fuckers' in capital letters right across the thing. It looked fun so I grabbed an extra can and got to work.


An hour later and (Y/N) got a call saying the police will be there in about 15 minutes and so we need to leave. Everyone got back into the cars and followed the car we were in. We drove and drove until what seemed as if we were in a different country. I was so tired that I seemed to have dosed off. I was abruptly awoken by the car suddenly jolting forward. I woke up and looked around "welcome to Scotland boys" (Y/N) said before getting out the car. We had stopped at what seemed to be an abandoned town. A gas station that seemed as though a fire had spread and caused the windows to shatter and the whole place to be painted black. Rows of houses filled the streets, all the doors where open. "We're staying here for a bit, until the police are done." She said. She whistles and once again everyone gathered. "Everyone, pick your houses, except that big one at the end." She said. "This it really" she clapped twice and they all left, weaving through the crowds to fines a house to best fit there needs. "C'mon then" I hadn't realised but all the other boys had joined us.

She walked us to the house and let us all get settled in we were all getting ready to sleep before I realised something "um guys where am I gunna sleep" they all looked at me sheepishly before putting their heads down on the pillow and closing the sleeping bags. "Thanks" I looked around before finding a spare space. The hard, wooden floor didn't look too comfortable but what choice did I have. I layed on my back, slowly getting cold and jealous of the rest all snuggled up warm. I started to shut my eyes but was stopped when the door slowly opened.

"Everything alright in here?" (Y/N) asked, with a smile, one that dropped when she saw me. "You should have said there weren't enough." She replied.

"I didn't want to cause a fuss" she looked at me thinking for a short time.

"Follow me" I quickly stood up and followed her. She walked into a room and I saw a comfy queen sized bed. She climbed in one side as I just stared at her. "Get in then" she said, laughing slightly.

"I-I don't wa-nt to p-p-put you out-" she cut me off quickly.

"Don't worry about it." She replied. I nodded and slowly walked to the other side of the bed where I slowly got in. She turned the lamp off that was on her bedside table and pulled up the covers. I was still shaking as I was freezing. It seemed to not have gone unnoticed by (Y/N) as she moved over to my side and wrapped an arm around me. "If your still cold, tell me."

"Okay" I muttered.

"Night (-)" (Y/N) whispered in my ear, sending bolts of shivers down my spine.

"Good night (Y/N)" I breathed out and snuggled into her."

-Molly xxx part 3 coming soon xx

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