The Snow Queen Part 2

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The next morning, your brother and you did your separate tasks. He had to work in the factory whereas you did deliveries. You were still hungry since you only had one slice of bread this morning. It was also very cold. You pull scarf closer to you as you run to get your deliveries on time.

It was nearly noon when you finished. You had about ten minutes to spare before you would have to go back and do more deliveries. You wandered around in the cold when you notice a boy sitting by the frozen fountain. He was very pale and wasn't wearing anything but a simple shirt and pants. He was looking at his hands. Curious about the strange boy you walk up to him.

"What are you doing?" you ask him. No response. "Are you cold?" Nothing. "You know it is rude to ignore people."

"It is also rude to bother them." he says bluntly.

"So you were listening." You sit next to the boy and look at his hands. In his hands were snowflakes. "Amazing. I only ever seen snowflakes in books! How did you find so many?"

"Can you leave me alone?"

"Don't be such a grouch. Let me spend ten minutes here. I have to go back later." He doesn't respond and you take the boy's silence as a form of consent. You go on talking about the most random things that happen during the day until you have to leave. 

You go back and carry on with your daily tasks. It was late at night and you and your brother share a small piece of toast he bought. You tell him about your deliveries and about the boy you met.

"He had such white hair and skin Kiel. Like a snowman but his eyes were really dark blue. He also was very quiet and he wasn't cold even though he wasn't wearing a scarf or gloves."

"Strange." you could tell your brother didn't believe you. Then again, who would believe that there was a mysterious white hair boy? You pursue it no further and continue eating what little you had. 

The next day, you carry on with your tasks and finish early once again. You head back to where you found the boy and surprised to see he is still there.

"Hello stranger." you say cheerily as you sit down next to him. He doesn't respond. "Are you here?" you say waving your hand in front of his face.

"Why are you bothering me?"

"Because you are here stranger."

"Don't call me stranger."

"What do I call you then? You can call me F/n since I didn't tell you yet." The boy looks at you strangely before looking at his hands again.


"Winter." you repeat. "That is very suiting for you." You tell Winter about your day and soon after you leave. You continue this pattern for a while. Everyday you would rush to get things done just so you could spend ten minutes with him. You never told Kiel though since he wouldn't have believed you. 

Winter in turn had also begun to enjoy your company. You were persistent in becoming his friend so he had no choice really but he grew fond of you. The season was coming to an end though. He would have to go back and report to his mother. He was pretty consistent in controlling the snow so she shouldn't have a problem. But he would miss you.

It was the last day of Winter when he was waiting for you. You were running to meet him since he said he had something important to tell you. You arrived and see him waiting there.

"I have arrived." you say through ragged breaths. After collecting yourself you smile at him. "So. What important thing you wanna tell me?"

"I am leaving tomorrow." your smile fades. You considered Winter a good friend and didn't want him gone. When he sees your sad face, he holds your hands with his ice cold ones. "Fear not F/n. I will be back the next winter and the winter after that and so on."



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