Allerleirauh Part 4

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You quickly change out of the dress and cover your face with soot and ashes. He was expecting you to show up once more. Even though you were worried, you did enjoy your time there. You were concerned he would notice that the woman in the party was you. You hide the dress and continue working.

That night Lars looks at the jewelry curiously. None of the people working in the kitchens owned something that was worth so much. He summoned the head cook and questioned her.

"I did see that new kitchen maid near my soup. She was holding walnut shells." the cook answers.

"I see. You are dismissed." he tells her. He would investigate later tomorrow before the party. The next day you were doing your menial tasks under the gaze of Lars. He said to carry on as usual, but everyone was on edge. Lars was a good king, but he was one not to be messed with. You always felt you were being watched.

"Allerleirauh, can you go to the vegetable garden." a cook asks you. "We need some more onions." he tells you. You nod and head out after bowing to Lars. As you are walking, you hear foot steps and turn around to see Lars smiling at you.

"Morning." You bow once more.

"My king." you respond.

"Did you hear what happened. Three pieces of jewelry were found in the walnut soup. The cook told me you were the last person she saw there." 

"My king, I swear I-"

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you. If anything, you don't seem like a thief." he smiles. He slowly walks up and you are backed into a wall. He leans close and you close your eyes in fear. "I see." he nods to himself before backing away. "Forgive me if I frightened you." he says.

"You have done nothing wrong."

"That is good. I just been feeling a little jittery." he says. "I met a girl at the party last night. I am expecting to see her again." he walks away. You feel yourself sink to the ground. You felt as if his words were directed at you. You felt he knew something.

Lars indeed noticed the similarities. You seemed scared of something. As he was walking, he happened to hear the conversation of a lord and lady of a nearby kingdom. This particular lord was the advisor for the king

"The king is looking crazily for his daughter. All so he can marry her."the lord says with disdain.

"At least she was right in her mind to escape." Lars walks off and begins to piece together the events that had happened. He knew of the king and his intentions towards his daughter. You seemed to be her age. You also happened to bear a striking resemblance towards the woman at the party. Tonight he must figure out what has been happening.

The party soon begins that night and you were the second dress. You felt apprehensive going out once more, but you decided to do so anyway. When Lars sees you, he offers his hand for you to dance. After dancing you find yourself outside. The two of you talk and within the hour, you are speaking a lot more.

"You are very interesting." he tells you. "It has only been one night and yet I want to keep being with you."

"Thank you." you say in response.

"Your name." he says. "You haven't told me yet."

"I like to keep it a secret."


"There never is a reason why people like things. We just do." You talk to Lars until dinner, where you end promising to join for the final night.  Lars found your character much more interesting. By the end of the night, he had figured out you were the same as the kitchen maid he had found. Your voice was the same and minor actions you did had matched up. 

The next day, Lars orders for you to spend time with him until the party begins.

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