Chapter 2

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I glanced down at my phone and studied the girl on the cover of the album the song belonged to then glanced back up at the intriguing character sitting across from me.

"Yep definitely her." I confirmed in my head.

I felt my heart begin to race.

I needed a second to collect myself after coming to my realization. I fuck with her music pretty heavy, I just never really knew who she was or what she looked like.

I opened my phone to text my best friend, Camila, to tell her that I wouldn't be landing until much later than I was supposed to since she was the one picking me up once I do finally get to LA.

Camila read my message almost instantly and within seconds I saw her name pop up on my screen displaying a picture of us we had drunkenly taken one night.

Incoming call from Mila...

I quickly hit the green answer button and spoke into my headphones

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I quickly hit the green answer button and spoke into my headphones.

"What's up?" I asked.

I noticed Billie had looked at me as if she thought I was talking to her, making my heart skip a beat at our momentarily eye contact. I quickly shot my eyes to the floor as I fidgeted with my headphones.

"Your flight got delayed till ten tonight?" Camila questioned.

"Yep, so I won't even land until like four a.m."

We are currently stuck in the JFK airport in New York.

"Dude, that's so late." My best friend groaned over the phone.

"I know and your ass better be up to get me." I said in a joking tone, although I was extremely serious.

I saw Billie giggle to herself as I spoke on the phone, almost positive she was listening in to my phone call.

"Oh and you won't believe what I have to tell you later." I lowered my tone, obviously talking about who is sitting across from me at this very moment.

"Later? Why not now?" She questioned.

"I can't." I vaguely explained, obviously not able to explain right now.

"C'mon, you can't do that to me. Just tell me!" Mila begged, being her annoying self.

"I just can't," I said in a whisper shout.

"Okay, but seriously four a.m. Be here. Bye, love you. You're the best!" I said back at a normal volume before she could protest anymore.

Once I hung up I giggled to myself for being such a smart ass.

"Damn, what a good friend." I heard a voice say.

I looked up to meet those blue eyes looking directly at me. I had to do a double take on if she was actually speaking to me. As I sat looking at her in disbelief, she gave a look as if she was waiting for me to respond.

"Me? Or her?" I questioned, pretty confused.

"Definitely not you bro, I heard the way you hung up on her like that. Just cold." She snickered.

So she was listening in on my conversation with Camila.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's rude to ease drop?" I said pretty seriously, watching her facial expression quickly change.

I let a small smirk form on my lips once I saw that she thought I was serious.

" Touché." She grinned, show casing a large smile with perfect teeth.

I tried my best to contain my smile that was fighting it's way to show.

I returned my attention back to my phone, clicking on Billie's entire album before putting it on shuffle. I made sure to turn it down to the point where I was positive she wouldn't be able to hear her own music playing through my ears. That would be totally weird.

I also saw I had a new text from Camila.

Mila: You seriously hung up on me????
Mila: You know you can't leave me hanging like that... Do you want me to go crazy?!

Josie: dear god woman hold on
Josie: *sent an image*

Josie: dear god woman hold onJosie: *sent an image*

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Mila: Is that.....
Mila: No fucking way
Mila: WHAT

Josie: i'll explain everything later

After sitting for almost an hour I began to get bored and I still have seven hours of waiting to do. I'm convinced I am going to die here.

I decided to get up from my seat and make my way to the cafe for a coffee since it seems like I'm going to need one to keep me from passing out on the airport floor.

As I was standing in line at the cafe, I noticed a familiar silver haired girl just one person down from me in line.

"And for you ma'am? Uh- ma'am?!" The barista slightly shouted at me since I wasn't paying attention.

"Shit. Sorry." I mumbled, turning my attention off Billie and ripping my headphones out; being brought back to reality.

"I'll just have a medium iced coffee."

"That'll be four dollars and seventy cents."

I handed her my money and stepped off to the side to wait for my order, praying it got to me before I had to face Billie once again. There is something so intimidating about her.

I watched as she ordered, getting more anxious by the second.

"Medium iced coffee!" The barista called out just in time.

I snagged my coffee before turning towards the small table that sat a few feet away from the counter which had sugar and milk on it.

I sat down my coffee, removing the lid to add a few sugar packets. As I reached for a sugar packet I felt someone else's presence next to me.

"Look who it is again." They said in the same raspy voice from earlier. Billie.

Flights // Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now