Chapter 37

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Josies POV

The next few days everything died down a little, which is great. I haven't heard from Bella at all and she hasn't pulled any more stunts, the fans have calmed down a little bit with everything, and our friend group has all been pretty distant.

Everyone has things to do; I have been working a lot from taking my week off for tour, Camila is teaming up with some other Youtubers on something, the twins are out of town, Danielle is getting ready to start the rest of the tour around the country, and Billie has been working on her music. Whenever I'm not working I spend the majority of my time with Billie.

I'm really enjoying spending time just one on one with her lately. I seriously like her more and more each day, which I didn't know was even possible. It's kinda scary if I'm being honest.

"Dani's goodbye parties tomorrow at nine." Camila said as she walked out of her room.

"Sounds good," I said, "I'm sad she's going to be gone for two whole months."

"Me too." Mila frowned.

Dani's tour started in California and now she is doing the rest of the country. She's had a little week long break between touring though.

Billies POV

As I was sitting on my bed strumming my ukulele my phone started ringing and I saw I was getting a call from Dani.

"Yo!" I said through the phone as I answered.

"Hey, I got a question for you." She sounded stressed.

"What's up Dani?" I asked.

"So my opener just backed out last minute, like, we are literally leave for tour in two fucking days. Who does this shit?" She ranted.

"Holy shit dude." I gasped.

"I know. So I was wondering if you would want to join me for the rest of the tour?"

I felt my jaw drop as I processed what she was asking me to do. This was huge.

I really love performing and being able to tour with my best friend would be so dope, not to add being on tour for two more months with Josie would be amazing. I know I can't just say yes because I need to talk to Mike, but I was so excited I almost couldn't help it.

"No fucking way bro! I have to talk to my manager, but if he says yes I am completely down. This is going to be fucking awesome!" I said excitedly.

"Fuck yeah! Talk to him as soon as possible and lemme know!" She said before hanging up.

I sat with a giant smile on my face as I sent Mike a text telling him to come over as soon as he can.


Within the hour Mike was standing in my living room.

"What was so urgent?" He said with his arms crossed.

"Danielle, Bhad Bhabie, just called me saying how her opener backed out of her tour and now she needs someone to open for her so she asked me to. It's only two months, around the country-" I spoke excitedly.

He looked at me as he rubbed his chin while he thought about the entire situation.

"You don't have any performances for the next few months and this would be really good for you." He thought out loud.

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