Chapter 39

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Josies POV

I let out a sigh as I read Billies text to me.

Josie: can we facetime tonight?
Josie: i miss u

Billie: i think we're going out
after the show :/

Billie has been gone for a little over two weeks now.

The first week apart went fine; Billie and I had Facetimed every night like we had promised to and I was busy with work nearly every day which made time go by even faster. This week we've been becoming more and more distant though.

I understand she's busy with tour and realistically I knew we wouldn't be able to FaceTime nightly, but we haven't in days. I haven't seen her face or heard her voice in almost a week now. Not to add our conversations over text have been unusually bland the last few days. She takes hours to respond and seems pretty uninterested in even holding a conversation with me.

I knew this was going to be hard since we were so used to being around one another almost every day the last few months, but I didn't think I'd feel so disconnected from her.

I let out a sigh as I replied to her.

Josie: maybe i'll try to stay
up for u?

Billie: its prolly gonna be late

Josie: alright.. well have fun babe
Read at 7:04 P.M.

"Hey." Camila said as she knocked on my open door.

"Oh- hey. What's up?" I asked caught off guard, still focussing on Billie and how she had just left me on read.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course." I lied.

I hadn't told anyone about how things have really been going between Billie and I since she left. I didn't want people to think we had issues or anything so I just kept to myself.

Honestly I think I'm more scared to speak it into the universe, thinking if I say it out loud it'll cause a snowballing reaction and get worse or something.

Mila gave me a weird look before brushing it off.

"The twins invited us out." She said.

"I don't know if I'm really in the party mood Mila." I shrugged.

"C'mon we haven't all had fun together in like two weeks." She begged.

I haven't really seen them much lately. They've been constantly out of town and I've been pretty busy with work.

"Fine." I sighed as I got up to start getting ready.


I sat on my bed completely ready to go out, waiting for Camila to finish up.

I checked to see if Billie had texted me back and saw that she hadn't, I was still left on read from earlier. I rolled my eyes and pulled open Instagram to see if she had seen my post from earlier.

Via Instagram

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