Chapter 55

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Josies POV

It's been hours and I still haven't heard back from Billie. I'm really starting to worry now so I decided to drive to her apartment to see if shes home.

I knocked frantically on the very familiar door with the number eighteen on it.

Within seconds the door opened and there stood Finneas with a very surprised look on his face. Once he realized it was me it completely changed to a sadder expression.

"Is she here?" I asked walking through the door.

"In her room, but Josie-"

I walked past him, ignoring him. I didn't care about anything right now besides seeing my girlfriend and making sure she was okay, even though I already knew she wasn't.

"Billie?!" I shouted as I pushed open the door to reveal her pitch black room.

That's weird, her red lights are never off.

I searched the wall for the switch desperately until I found it and flipped it on.

The red ambiance revealed her figure laying face down on her bed.

"Billie?" I softened as I sat next to her on the bed.

"Go away." She said into her pillow, making her voice extremely muffled.

What? Why does she want me to go away? I felt my chest tighten at her turning me away.

"Are you okay?" I placed my hand on her shoulder, lightly stroking it with my thumb.

She shook her head as she stayed hidden in her pillows.

"Hey," I spoke softly, "look at me."

She didn't move.

"Please Billie, you're scaring me."

She slowly lifted her head and began to sit up so she was facing me.

I felt my heart ache at the sight of her.

Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, her hair was a mess, and she held a massive frown on her lips. She looked completely broken.

"Billie." I whispered as I pulled her in for a tight hug.

The second I held her in my arms she broke down. She let out small sobs as she clung onto me so desperately, like she was never going to again. I've never seen her so vulnerable.

Seeing the girl I love this torn up made me want to do nothing but cry myself.

"Everything's going to be okay Bil." I said in her ear as I held her.

"No it's not." She pulled herself out of my arms.

I gave her a concerned look.

"I- I can't be with you anymore." She whispered.

"What?" I gasped, confused.

"I can't be with you." She repeated louder this time.

I felt like the walls were caving in on me. My heart had dropped into the pit of my stomach and I immediately choked up.

"What do you mean?" I continued to question her, not wanting to believe what I'm hearing.

"You and I can't be together Josie. I'm sorry." She said coldly.

"You don't mean that." I shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I met her sad eyes as they watched me fall apart right there.

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