Chapter 20

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Josie's POV

I stretched as I groggily rolled over in bed, waking up. I grabbed my phone to see it was eleven o'clock.

Usually I linger in bed because I really enjoy my alone time just relaxing after I wake up, I am not a morning person at all, but I knew I needed to talk to Camila.

I climbed out of bed, making my way to the living space to hopefully find Camila.

As I quietly made my way out of my room I saw her blonde hair peaking out from behind the couch.

I mentally prepared myself as I approached her. I looked down at her as she glanced at me, quickly turning her attention back to the tv as if she hadn't even seen me.

"Mila?" I spoke softly as I sat next to her, "I'm sorry."

She remained silent.

"Can we please talk?" I spoke again.

"I'm listening." She sighed, finally looking at me.

"I swear I was going to tell you about Billie and I." I started.

"Why didn't you right away? I thought we tell each other everything?" She asked.

"I wasn't sure if Billie wanted everyone to know yet or not. When you walked in on us last night, we had just finished talking about it. I was going to tell you as soon as we left the twins."

"But I'm not just anyone Josie, I'm your best friend." She sounded hurt still.

"I know."

She looked down at the ground as she was in thought.

"I just didn't want to fuck whatever Billie and I have going on between us. I really like her Mila." I said shyly.

She looked at me, surprised. I saw a small smile begin to grow on her face.

"You do?" She gasped.

I nodded, a grin on my face.

"Well fill me in now. I want to know everything!" She turned and faced me sitting Indian style.

I giggled as I began to tell her everything thats been going on between Billie and I.

I'm so happy she understood and forgave me.

Billies POV

I sat on my bed strumming my ukulele as I finally finished my new song. It's going to be called 'when the party's over.'

"You writing?" Finneas said as he peaked in my room.

"I think I just finished up when the party's over." I looked at him with a wide grin.

There's no better feeling than creating music. I'm so happy that this is what I get to do for the rest of my life.

"Let me hear." He said, sitting next to me on my bed.

I began to strum my ukulele and sang the entire song for him for the first time. We had both worked on this song together, like we do on them all, but we couldn't figure out the rest of the second verse.

"That's it! What made you come up with the second verse?" He looked at me with a brow raised.

I blushed because Josie had actually inspired some of the lyrics.

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