Chapter 19

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Josie's POV

I looked at Billie with a concerned face before chasing after Camila.

"Mila!" I shouted, catching up to her fast pace.

She went to shut the bathroom door in my face, but I stuck my arm out stopping it.

"Stop!" I said desperately.

"So that's what best friends do now? They lie to one another?" She sounded hurt.

"I was going to tell you."

She exited the bathroom, pushing past me. She has never been this upset with me before.

"C'mon Camila, you gotta hear me out here!" I called after her.

"Hey guys, I just realized I have this thing I have to go to so I have to bail. I'm really sorry." She said quickly before exiting through the front door.

I stood in the hallway in awe of what had just happened. I felt a single tear slip from my eye, but I quickly wiped it with my hand before anyone could notice.

I looked away from the door for the first time in what felt like minutes, although I had only been standing there for a few seconds. I brought my eyes immediately to Billie.

She looked at me with an upset expression across her face, knowing whatever had just happened wasn't good.

"What was all that about?" Eli asked me, breaking Billie and I's stare.

"I'm not sure." I lied, not wanting to talk about it.

I walked over to the couch quietly and sat down. Elijah opened his arm, knowing something was wrong, so I could lean into his side. He gave my arm a reassuring rub.

"How bout a movie?" He tried to cheer me up.

"A funny one!" Billie said, plopping down next to me, giving my thigh a light pat.

The twins exchanged looks at her action then looked back at us, not saying anything. I think they know right now is not the time.

I nodded as I put my best fake smile on.

I couldn't focus at all throughout the movie. I was just staring off and thinking about what had happened with Camila. I can't believe how mad she is. I don't know how I'm going to fix this.

"You okay?" Billie whispered in my ear.

"Uh y-yeah. I'm fine." I snapped back to reality.

"You haven't laughed once." She raised a brow.

"I'm okay Billie." I said, throwing a fake grin on my face.

She shook her head, knowing I was lying, and turned her attention back to the movie. I felt a hand slither under the blankets and grab mine.

I felt a real smile replace my fake one as I interlocked our fingers.

"That was hilarious." Isaac said as the movie ended.

"Hell yeah!" Eli agreed.

Billie nodded along as I sat in silence.

She looked at me and gave me a worried look. I nodded my head at her to reassure her that I was okay, even though I wasn't.

"You good?" Eli nudged me.

"Are you?" I mimicked him causing him to shake his head as he laughed.

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