Chapter 31

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Josies POV

I blinked my eyes open for the second time this morning seeing Billie sprawled out next to me. I sat up and sat at the edge of the bed, holding my head in my hands.

After Elijah and I talked last night he kept his distance from me, almost completely acting as if I wasn't even there, for the rest of the night. I can't stop thinking about it.

What did he mean by everything he said? Is he serious or was it the alcohol talking? I don't want this to change our relationship. God, I can't stand the thought of losing him as a friend.

"Hey you." Billie said as she stretched her arms out, sitting up.

I lifted my head from my hands and looked at her, putting on a fake smile.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Like shit." She tiredly chuckled as she fell back on the bed.

"I thought you would, that's why I got you this earlier." I said handing her a cup of orange juice and a bagel.

"Thanks babe." She said, snatching it from my hands and taking a giant bite of the bagel.

"Sorry if it's cold. I didn't think you'd sleep so late."

"What time is it?" Billie tilted her head.

"Only noon." I giggled.

"Holy shit. How long have you been up?"

"I woke up earlier at like nine, went down and got you breakfast, came up and rejoined you in bed. I guess I ended up dozing off again with you until about fifteen minutes ago."

She nodded as she nearly chugged the entire glass of orange juice.

We heard a knock on the door, immediately making me nervous. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Elijah quite yet. I was sure of one thing though and that is he and I definitely needed to talk about what he said last night at some point. I just don't know if I'm quite ready right this moment.

I got up slowly and walked to the door to let whoever it was in. As I opened the door I was greeted by Danielle and Isaac, no sign of Eli or Camila anywhere.

I felt a small wave of relief go over me that Eli wasn't with them, but it also made me worry because this means he remembers last night and is probably avoiding me.

"Morning y'all." Danielle yawned as she walked past me and jumped on the bed.

"Good afternoon." I chuckled at her.

I sat back down on the bed next to Billie who was finishing her bagel. She devoured that. She really must be hung over.

"Looking good Bil." Isaac joked to bed headed Billie.

She did look like she had a rough night, I couldn't lie. She still looked perfect to me though.

"Shut up dude." She groaned, clearly not feeling good.

"You feel like shit don't you?" Danielle laughed at her.

She nodded as she leaned back into the pillows.

"I figured you would bro. You were really drunk." Isaac said.

"Yeah she was." I added.

"Okay I know and I never want to drink again. Can we talk about something else? And quieter please." She rubbed her temples.

"My poor baby." I giggled as I pulled her into my lap so I could rub her head for her.

"Where are Mila and Eli?" I asked nonchalantly.

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