Chapter 75

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Josies POV

"Last interview then we go home." Billie smiles at me even though she is speaking to our entire group; her whole team, Finneas, Maggie, Corinne, and I.

A smile grows on my face as everyone nods and we all take our places for the interview.

I am excited for this one because I get to sit in on it, we all do but this is my first time ever. Somehow I think I'm nervous for Billie, even though I know she doesn't get nervous over interviews anymore since she does them constantly.

Billie sat down in the director style seat in front of a big camera and fidgeted with her rings on her fingers as they mic her. Maybe she is nervous too?

She pulls out her phone and goes on it briefly while we wait for the interview to begin, me sitting between Finneas and Maggie with Corinne and Justin on the opposite side of Maggie.

I feel a buzz as I fish into my back pockets of my black jeans to retrieve my phone, not really thinking much of it. I felt a sly smile growing onto my face as I see the notification on my screen.

One new message from Billie

I glance at her, her smirking right back at me, as I open the message.

Billie: stop lookin at me like that
ur making me nervous

I feel a light shade of red crawling onto my cheeks as I close my phone and set it in my lap as I make eye contact with her again. I hold in my giggles as I shake my head at her.

"Ready to start Ms. Eilish?" The interviewer snapped Billie back to reality, making me laugh to myself.

Finneas noticed our little moment, making him roll his eyes at me and me swat his arm lightly as I laughed. I noticed Corinne was eyeing the entire situation from down the row since we were all seated against the wall, although I acted as if I hadn't.

"Uh- yeah." Billie chuckled.

The interview started out exactly how you would expect: questions of what Billies childhood was like, how she earned her fame, discussing some of her songs. Right now we are discussing 'come out and play.'

"This single was actually your debut of you and your brothers brand new label you created together, correct?" The interviewer spoke.

"Yes, B&F Records." Billie smiled as she glanced at Finneas proudly.

"What drove the two of you to drop your label and create your own?"

Billie stops and thinks hard at the question. I notice Justin tense up as he waits on her response, him clearly knowing the whole ordeal that occurred with her past label. Even Maggie seems slightly stressed over what Billie will respond with, making my anxiety grow as well.

She can't just tell them it's because of me, right? My God, the fans would hate me.

"Well," she said in a high pitched voice, "let's just say they told me I couldn't have something that I really, really wanted." She winked at me.

Maggie smiled at Billies response and Finneas elbowed me as I felt heat returning to my cheeks.


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