Chapter 4

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"My story isn't anything crazy, so prepare to be underwhelmed." I warned.

"Shut up." She chuckled giving me a light shove.

"So, where do I start?" I thought out loud, not sure how to go about this.

"I'm originally from New Jersey, but I've always known I wanted to move out to the west coast. I've had a decent following on social media ever since I can remember and it just keeps growing. I'm not sure why people like me if I'm being honest. I don't do anything special to deserve it." I chuckled while Billie rolled her eyes at me.

I really never understood what made me so special. Why do I get to have this opportunity? I'm not sure if it's my 'I don't give a fuck' personality, my style, or just purely luck that got me here. Of course my following isn't anything huge compared to Billies, but I have about fifty thousand followers on Instagram and a good amount on Twitter as well.

"Once I finally turned eighteen a few months ago my parents finally let me move out to LA by myself. I left the second I graduated from high school, like I literally dropped everything and left with only a suitcase in hand to start my life. I had a decent amount of money from being a "social media influencer,"" I held up air quotes as I called myself a term I don't even understand, "and things just kept lining up for me. Luck was definitely on my side throughout this entire journey."

"I don't think it had anything to do with luck." Billie commented.

"What do you mean?"

"Obviously you were meant to do this, to be something. All that doesn't just happen by coincidence." She explained.

I looked at her for a second, taking in what she said.

How is she so wise at our age? She's so young, yet she seems to have it all together.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I tried to hide my smile.

She nodded.

"So now here I am, living this mildly crazy life." I wrapped it up.

"That's fucking awesome."

"Okay, coming from you. That probably wasn't shit compared to your story." I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone has a unique story bro. You can't compare them." She says seriously.

"But really dude, it's so dope that you get to have a platform in this world and it'll only grow from here on out."

"I know, I know. You're turn."

"Shit, is it really already nine o'clock?" I said as I checked my phone for the first time in hours.

"What can I say, time flies when you're having fun." Billie winked.

I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes.

Billie and I get along so well. I feel as though we've known one another for more than just a few hours. I'm shocked by how much I opened up to her when I barely even know her. This is the most I've opened up to someone in a long time. She is so easy to talk to and just a genuine, good person.

Billie told me her story as well, which was fucking insane. I can't believe everything she has accomplished and she's only sixteen. She's gained so much respect from me today.

"Boarding for flight B13 to Los Angeles is now opening." We heard announced over the speakers.

The crowd that had been waiting at the gate for hours upon hours let out a loud cheer as everyone began to gather themselves to finally board the plane.

Billie and I looked at each other with big smiles at the announcement.

"About fucking time." She cheered.

"Are you ready Bil?" A man who sat across the row from us, where Billie had originally sat, asked her.

I now know that this mans name is Finneas, Billies older brother, and that the other man who was also traveling with them was Billies agent Mike.

I quickly felt my smile fall off my face as I realized that it was time to part from Billie. I am now sad that it's time to say goodbye to the girl I spent half the day avoiding. Funny how that worked out, right?

Billie glanced at me before looking back at him with an unreadable look on her face.

"Yeah, let's get the fuck outta here." She said as she stood up.

"Well it was really nice to meet you." I said awkwardly, remaining seated.

"Give me one second." Billie said in a goofy manner before pulling Finneas a few feet away to talk to him.

Billie pulled him into a two person huddle and said something to him which caused him to throw back his head and roll his eyes, but he chuckled as he did so.

I wonder what she is saying? I wonder if it has anything to do with me?

They soon rejoined me.

"What was all that about?" I uncomfortably chuckled.

"We have got to go Billie. First class is boarding." Mike said as he grabbed his bag and stood up.

"Again, it was so cool to get to know you." I started.

"Why are you saying goodbye?"

I gave her a questioning look, confused on what she meant. It's time for her to board the plane. I'm obviously not flying first class like they are.

"Come on!" She shouted as she grabbing my arm, pulling me out of my seat.

"I'm not in first class Billie." I tried to explain to her.

"Yes you are." She grinned.

"What?" I nervously laughed.

"Finneas agreed to swap seats with you for the flight."

I looked over at Finneas, whom I still have yet to properly meet. He held a friendly grin on his face and nodded.

"No, I really couldn't. Thank you though." I kindly declined.

"I had a feeling you'd say that!" She shouted as she grabbed my book bag from the seat and ran to board the plane, leaving me with no choice but to chase after her.

As I finally caught up to her she was scanning her ticket to board. I stopped, realizing I couldn't scan my ticket yet since I'm not first class.

I felt a tall figure come up behind me. I turned around to see Finneas holding his ticket in his hands. Before I could process what was happening, he had snagged my ticket out of my hands.

"This is her ticket." He said as he handed the flight attendant his first class ticket.

He gave me a sneaky smirk. I glanced over at Billie, who was waiting for me, to see her holding the exact smug expression as him.

They played me. She wasn't lying when she told me they were partners in crime.

"I can't believe you two." I laughed.

"Are you sure?" I said getting serious again as I faced Finneas.

"Just go!" He chuckled, giving me a light shove.

Flights // Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now