Chapter 54

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Billies POV

"Did you show her?" Mike asked Finneas as he entered our apartment.

Finneas nodded as he took a seat on the couch, probably not ready himself for what was about to go down.

"I- I didn't do this. Someone hacked Isaacs phone and-" I rambled in a fluster.

"I know." Mike sighed

"What do we do?" I asked nervously.

He sat down and motioned for me to do the same.

I took a seat across from him and Finneas, bouncing my leg due to how anxious I am.

"This isn't good Billie. At all." He started.

"I know." I looked at the ground, covering my mouth with my hands as I took in everything that was just sprung on me.

"For now, don't address anything. Go MIA until we get everything figured out. We will have a meeting with your label first thing in the morning and we can go from there."

That's it? That's all he has to say? No yelling?

"Okay." I agreed quietly, still in shock.

"Well I need to go try to get some rest, you should do the same. The meeting will be at nine o'clock sharp. Don't be late." I said strictly before showing himself to the door and leaving without saying bye.

I've never seen Mike act so strange before. He seemed scared. I don't think he even knows what to do or what to expect from this meeting tomorrow.

Finneas and I sat in the living room still in silence. I stayed focussing on the floor as thousands of thoughts flooded my mind.

"Bil-" Finneas started.

"I really need to be alone right now." I almost whispered, not bothering to look up at him.

I felt a hot tear roll down my face as I spoke. I'm so overwhelmed right now.

"Everything's going to be okay. Just try to get some sleep please. I love you." He said as he gave my back a pat.

I nodded to him as he left the room, leaving me alone to drown in the possibilities that could come out of this.

Am I going to get kicked off my label? Is Mike going to get fired? Are Josie and I going to be okay? Are my fans going to hate me? I can just see all the hate I'm going to get now.

I sat in my chair just thinking and preparing myself for tomorrow.


"You haven't moved?" Finneas said as he walked out of his room to find me in the same spot he left me in.

"Nah, couldn't sleep."

"Did you even try?" He questioned me.

I ignored his question, got out of my seat, and went to my room to change. Then we left for the dreaded meeting.

Josies POV

I grabbed my phone once I woke up to see no new notifications. I decided to pull open Instagram and browse on there a little bit before getting up.

That's when I saw my post being flooded with comments about Billie and I nearly making my heart stop.

Via Instagram

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