Chapter 42

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Josies POV

Tomorrow's the green carpet and even more excitingly tomorrow I get to see Billie. I have been basically bouncing off the walls due to excitement the last week.

I got out of bed no problem today and changed to go to my fitting with some of the members of the PrettyLittleThings team. They were going to give me a few options of their clothing to choose from to wear tomorrow.

I can't believe I actually get to go to this event. It's going to be crazy. And the fact that I'm going with Billie makes it that much better.

It means a lot to me that she's flying back for the night for me. She knows how big this event is for me and she told me she wouldn't miss it for the world.

Billies POV

Danielle and I have been fucking around at the hotel since we both had the next two days off from tour in Florida, right outside Danielles hometown.

"Can we please get fucked up tonight." She sighed as she laid lazily on the bed.

"You know a club we can get into?"

"There aren't any, but I have some old friends hitting me up about some house party." She said as I heard her fake nails rapidly tapping against her screen.

"Wait, old friends." I raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, but don't worry they're cool." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know Dani." I said unsure.

"Bil, they're the good ones. They don't kick it the way we used to anymore. Swear." She sounded so convincing.

"Whatever bro." I sighed.

Danielle used to be friends with some pretty sketchy people before she started getting famous and yes I'm talking about her pre-Dr. Phil days.

She used to be involved with whatever's past the wrong crowd, I'd call them the worst crowd. They were all involved with selling and doing drugs, which obviously got Dani into all that as well. This girl was doing drugs and drinking by the age of fourteen. Not to add some of the older, way older, guys she used to be involved with were completely abusive with her.

Fame really helped Dani get her shit together, even if she still seems to be a "bad kid" in some peoples eyes. She's clean now aside from drinking and she isn't committing illegal activities on the daily anymore.

I'm one of the only people who knows about Danielles past, besides the twins they know some of it. It's hard to get her to open up about a lot of shit, I guess her and I have that in common.


Danielle and I pulled up to more of a run down home that had Christmas lights around it. The entire environment seemed pretty sketchy. I didn't get a good vibe from this at all, but there's no way in hell I'd let her come here alone.

"Dani," I said as we stood outside the house, "If anything, and I mean anything, even slightly sketchy happens we're getting the fuck out of here. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." She rolled her eyes as she threw the door open to reveal a very crowded and very smokey living room.

"Bitch!" A girl with long dreads and dark lip stick shouted as she saw Danielle.

"I can't believe you fucking made it hoe!" Another girl said giving Danis shoulder a light shove.

"Y'all know I had to pull up since I'm in town," she sounded so excited to reunite with them, "This is my friend Billie."

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